Me and Harmony were sitting on the crouch while Rhyme was pacing back and forth. "You have your thinking face on" Said Harmony." I know , because there's some much to think about , Tk has a new girlfriend , Quinn's betrayed me twice , Ellie's head is in the clouds , and Tim Sharp keeps asking me out on dates".
"Isn't that a good thing" Harmony questioned , " He seems like a good kid" I said. Rhyme fell onto the chair " I through that I would be , but now I'm not sure". " Have you kissed him?" Harmony asked , Rhyme looked at her " No" , " Have you held his hands yet" I asked. " Are they dry or clammy" asked Harmony. " I don't know" Rhyme blurted out.
" What does Tk's girlfriend look like?" Ask Harmony , " Hey Harmony that's not a question you can just ask" I said. " Rhyme shook her head " No i's fine , she looks like her twin sister" Rhyme sighed the last part. " Uh-oh we've gotta go to dance practice , it starts soon" Rhyme grabbed her backpack and I grabbed mine and we hurried out the door.
"Circle up" Birdie yelled , " so , We're down a dancer , That's fine" Birdie shrugged " We just gotta show that traitor exactly what she's missing , in other news we got a new team manger".
"Since when do we have a team manager ?" asked Kayla , "Since today" Birdie said " Meet our newest Member Tk". Tk came through the door with papers and bumbled into a basket with P.E equipment. I could feel the tension in the room grow more as soon as Tk came into the room." What are you doing here?" asked Rhyme, Tk stood beside her " Birdie made me". " Oh" Rhyme said.
"My very own baby brother" Birdie said " is going to help us stay on track" , she smiled " and crush Power Surge once and for all"." She said I need to boost my Extra-Particulars" He said is wrong. "Extra-Curriculars" Birdie corrected him , "Extra- Cur-curlers" He said to wrong again." Curricular" Birdie corrected him again , Tk must have given up ' What she said". Kayla had turned to Ellie " Your being awfully quiet , and your never quiet". " Yeah , what's wrong Ellie" I asked.
Ellie didn't respond , " Hello , earth to Ellie" Kayla said, "why aren't you talking to me", Ellie snapped back " Why don't you ask Henry". Kayla looked at her " What are you talking about?"." You heard me" Ellie then walked away.
Later at the arcade I was sitting at a table texting Ezra and I told him everyone about Ellie and Tk and Dance practice and Rhyme. I was also watch Tim Sharp's and Rhymes date. Being the good sister I wanted to have her back. I looked over at them to see that Rhyme was leaving , so I flowed her out the door and to Home.
When we had gotten Home , we were sitting on Rhymes bed and Harmony was playing , Rhyme had laded down. Harmony was wearing a over sized shirt " What do you think?" she asked looking down at the shirt. " I think that until I hit my next growth spurt , that sweater belongs to me" Rhyme smiled and pointed at the sweater.
Her phone began to vibrate and she picked it up " Oh-uh" she said looking at her phone, " Tim sharp" I asked." Tim Sharp , I can't believe I ran off like that" she sighed." It was just so weird seeing Tk". I nodded ' he was with the twins , I saw the whole thing" I told them. "Hope you got home safe , you think we could try that again sometime? " Rhyme read the text aloud, " Rhyme he really cares about you" I told her. She sighed and laid back down on the bed.
"I don't know what to do" She sighed looking sad. I laid down next to her holding her hand " Don't worry you'll think of something" I told her. She turned and picked up a picture of her and Tk. " you could play us a song" Harmony suggested. She turned over and pressed a play button and it played. Rhyme sat up and Sang " For what's it's worth , I hope we can be more , we are a thousand words that our current score" , She smiled and looked at the picture " There's that picture we took that time" Harmony threw a stuffed animal and Rhyme caught it " Stole it from you and now it's mine" We then began to take off all the stuffed Animals from the bed , " I imagined this could happen but don't know how you feel" Harmony threw a stuffed animal and caught it while I threw on at rhyme ad she caught it then she threw one at me and I caught it." Maybe yes , maybe no , maybe found my other half" We all picked up pillows and threw then at each other catching them all.
"Maybe only as a Photograph , Maybe yes , maybe no , maybe found my other half , maybe only as a photograph" We all threw off the sheet's off of the bed." Maybe yes , maybe no , maybe found my other half , maybe only as a photograph , Maybe yes , maybe no , maybe found my other half , maybe only as a photograph" We had gotten string and was unwinding it and we had hung up the Pink sheet. We had tapped it onto the pink sheet as well as stars and we had gotten out bedded necklaced and put them on." Borrowed Time , holding on to Artifacts" Harmony had found a feathered bowa and had put it on and I had found one too and out it on. We all sand " Artifacts" Then Rhyme sang again " Different now than when we started out" , We all sang " Started out" then Rhyme " Over time things may change as they change how you feel" We had found a big camera and began taking pictures with it , with us looking silly " Maybe yes , Maybe no , Maybe found my other half , maybe no , Maybe only as a photograph Maybe yes , maybe no maybe found my other half , maybe no , maybe only as a photograph " We were taking so many pictures with all kinds of poses. " Maybe ,Maybe yes, no ,no ,no , maybe, only as a photograph ,Maybe , M-m-maybe yes, no , no , no , maybe no , Maybe only as photograph , maybe , maybe yes , no , no , no, no , maybe no , maybe only as a photograph, Maybe only as a photograph " We all fall onto the bed tired and sleepy from jumping around and Rhyme held up the Picture of her and Tk and smiled.

Birds of a Feather ( Chicken Girls Fanfic)
FanfictionEmma and her friends have always danced together. But this year there's a new girl in town, and only three spots on the team. She Receive Strange Text Messages from someone she doesn't know , but her and this Person become really close and even more...