Chapter 14 : Surf's Up

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It was early in the morning and I had woken up earlier then everyone else had. I sat up out of bed and walked outside to the light morning sun , I looked around until I saw Robbie , he smiled " Good morning Sunshine , how do you like my mom's house?" I smiled " Morning , and I didn't know that this was you're house" I said , "You surf?" he asked , I shook my head " I'm not really into surfing" I told him , " Or are you not yet into surfing?" he said , I looked at him and smiled.

The whole day I had talked to Robbie , he had told me about his mom Robin Robins and some stuff about him. He had also taught me some Surfing moves , on land I wasn't at all ready for the water yet , "Look's like your almost ready for the water" he said I shook my head" Um no I'm good on land thank you" I said." So You're sisters are with you" I nodded "Yeah they are, we came here to help Ellie". Robbie smiled at me " You don't look a thing like your sisters, I mean you have blonde hair while they have brown" , " I was Adopted when Harmony was born" I told him He nodded. Harmony had found us and was walking up to us " Yoo-hoo" she called , Robbie smiled " What are you wearing?" I asked , "Emma darling , I've been looking for you everywhere , Rhyme is still at the house , we have places to go and people to meet". I smiled and shook my head " Woah , when did you become so sassy?" I asked , She smiled " As soon as I found out about Ezra and when Rhyme started to date Tim". Robbie looked at me " Who's Ezra" , I mind drew a blank " He's a friend of mine" I said. He nodded.

"Anyways this is Hollywood , there is no time to be lollygagging" she said, We both chuckled, " If I say dance, you dance, show me your moves" She said, I chuckled " Not if you show me your" Harmony looked stunned and laughed " Wow didn't see that one coming" Robbie meanwhile was laughing at us until a women with Blonde hair came up to us , "She belong to you" the women asked , I nodded" Yeah , she's my baby sister" I told her " Well she's got a real knack for comedy" she said , "I'd love to have her come In and read for a show that I'm casting , it's a procedural family show, Muti-cam" , We all nodded , "Where are you two from?" she asked , " Attaway" I said , What-away?" she asked , "Attaway" said Harmony , "Sound like the middle of nowhere " she said , She handed Harmony a card and said " Here's my card, give me a call" She walked away , Harmony's face lit up " Wow I can't believe I'm gonna be a actor" I smiled at her " Welcome to Hollywood" I said , Robbie and I looked at each other and smiled.

Harmony had left so it was just me and Robbie " Today was great , we lucked out with that Surf" he said , I smiled " Yeah , sorry , I'm just more into the land then the ocean" I told him." At least dancing is easier" I said , "Well I think that both Dance and Surfing have to deal with hand-eye coordination". I nodded and looked out into the sea , I felt someone's hand touch my hand I looked at Robbie " What are you doing" I asked , " Uh , sorry" he said reeling his hand back in , " It's fine" I said. He began " I just- through that-" I shook my head " No it's fine" I told him.

I had told him abut everything that had happened with Rhyme and Tim and about how they were gonna break up , " Whoa' he said and touched my hand , I just looked at him, I didn't reel my hand back in I just started at the Sea , then I began to think about Ezra , over the past two month's I had been really close to him , but I wasn't ready to tell him how I felt , was I betraying Ezra just by hold Robbie's hand , No I wasn't hold his hand , he was holding mine. I turned to him " I think I gotta go " I stammered " Today was amazing , I'll see you at Dinner" I said and stood up and left. Later at Dinner we all gathered around as Robin was cutting up dinner , Robbie was standing very close to me and was almost touching my hand, I didn't know what to do or how to feel , I wasn't catching feelings for Robbie was I? , I looked at him and he looked at me , he smiled while I just gave a little smile and went back to watching.

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