Chapter 35 : Footloose

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Me and Rhyme were getting ready for the Winter Formal , Cody was downstairs waiting for me , I wore a . Harmony was doing Rhyne's hair while I was fixing my hair running , my fingers through them. I walked down stairs to see Cody wearing a Tux with a read tie , " Hey , you look amazing" he said , I smiled " You don't look to bad yourself". He took my hand and we walked into a car that would take us to the dance.

At the dance Cody dragged me to the floor , even through I wanted to see what food there was," But Cody , I want to see the food" I begged , " I live you" he smiled and took me to the food where I looked at all the food. When I was done eating I went to dance with my friends while Cody went to talk to Flash , him and Flash had become buddy's and I didn't even know. Slow dancing music came on and I found Cody , I smiled as he took my hand and placed them both on his shoulder's and he placed his on my waist.

' I want to remember this forever" Cody said , I smiled " I have never felt like this about anyone before " I told him , He smiled " I've not told you a lot about my family buy now that you know all that has happened , I'm glad I met you, you're the light in my darkness , I don't have many friend's but thanks to you I met Flash and Ace , And they become some of my best buddy's" , I blushed " So I want to say thank you for bring me into your life , even when I had my bad days , you were there , and for that I say thank you" he said. I smiled " I'll always remember walking up to you sing our song in the morning" I told him , He smiled " Cause I'm tell you , your I need , cause I'm telling you that your all I see I'll never leave" I sang , he smiled "so you can drag me through hell " he sang " If it meant I could hold your hand , I will follow you" I sang " Cause I'm under your spell , and you can throw me to the flames " he sang " I will follow you" , We leaned in for a long passionate kiss.

I pulled away " I love you Cody O'Conner" I told him " I love you too Emma McAdams" , he pulled me closer to him as we danced. Just then one of the B's were up on the stage " Hi , um can Tim Sharp please come up to the stage? , Tim Sharp?" , everyone looked around for Tim , " Tim get up here" said the Blond B.

Ellie grabbed the Mic " What do you think your doing" ," The right thing" Ellie told them , " Uh , hi a lot of you are really confused , this is super weird cause Principle Mathers , we just need a second , so as many of you know, Beatrice was dating Tim , but as it turns out it be a mean scheme to humiliate Tim in front of the entire school , because to them that's fun , being mean is fun , and we all put them on this pedestal because we're scared of them , want them to like us , so we won't get bullied by them, but they're actually just like us". Ellie then went on to saw things that the B's do that would embarrassed them , We all came up onto the stage and came In for a group hug Then Flash came up onto the stage , " Wow , you guys really stole my thunder , I also have an announcement to make, hi guys , I'm Flash , I'm Ace's friend , I worked on Sup' , you know your dating someone and there's someone in this room who isn't normal that's because, she exceptional, Kayla I love you , you take the ordinary out of Extraordinary witch I guess that just leaves Extra" Kayla came up and hugged him.

Then slow dance music came back on , Cody and I were back to slow dancing." I meant what I said before , you know" he said , " I know and I care about you a lot" I told him , We leaned in for a kiss , it was a loving , until I heard someone say my name , I turned around and saw Rhyme and Rooney , " What's wrong?" I asked , " It's Birdie" said Rooney , I followed them to the hospital. We all walked into her room , she was badly bruised and was hooked up to machines that helped her breathe , " Girls I'm so glad you came" Her mom said as we walked in , "what happened?" I asked Tears streaming down my face " we don't know , um they crashed into another car, that boy Spike was driving, she's hurt pretty bad" , " She'll be okay , right?" asked Rooney , " We don't know Sweetie" , she cried , Rhyme had reached for her arm but a nurse came in " we need to keep the room clear, only family , please "said the Nurse , I had gotten text's from Cody;

Are you okay?

We're at the hospital , please come here, I'll meet you outside

Okay , I'll be there

Once I had gotten the text from Cody telling me , he was here I ran outside and into his arm's crying. " Hey what's wrong?" he asked , " Birdie" I cried out, He kissed me forehead " It's okay" he whispered. "I want to go home Cody" I told him "Okay , we can go home" he said wrapping his arm around me as we walked home.

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