Chapter 13 : Gone West

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When we had arrived in L.A we had found the recording studio of the person that had invited us here , When we had met her she was talking about her first record " Yeah , so it was '77 ,'78, when I produced my first solo album for Razzie Michaels , then from there I started to work with Pete and the Soul Searchers , witch would have taken me to '84 , '85 , where I formed Trible R , Robin Robbins's Records , and the rest is history , and to think that here I was a little girl from Attaway just like you" She pointed at us.

"Which by the way , which one of you is Eloise?" she asked, Ellie stepped up " That's me , but it's Ellie Actually". Robin shook her head " Oh no Eloise is much snazzier , so these must be your back-up singers" she pointed me , Rhyme and Harmony. Rhyme looked at her " Excuse me?" she asked , " When I was your age , man , I worked with the Superbs , those girls could sing" she said , " We're just Ellie friends" I said , " You said that if I didn't bring my parents I could bring three friends" said Ellie , Robin nodded her head " oh , okay , all right , Ellies friends , well why don't you three go explore the beach and young Eloise and I are gonna get to work". We began to walk when Rhyme said " Good luck Eloise" , " It's Ellie" she said , Robin said " Chop-Chop" and we were on the beach.

It sure was pretty in L.A , The City of Angels, We were walking on the beach when Harmony asked " Do you think Ellie will become famous?", Rhyme answered " Well she already act like it most of the time...." Harmony interrupted her " But what about if she moves out of Attaway , we'll never get to see her again". " She would never do that ,we're her friend she wouldn't leave us" I told her " Still" Said Harmony , "I wouldn't worry to much, We're the Chicken Girls , we fly together". I nodded.

A boy how was on the beach heard us "What's a Chicken Girl?" he asked , "Excuses me?" I asked caught off guard , "Oh , uh didn't mean to eavesdrop , just you're just blocking my view of the sunset" , "Sorry to get in your way , we're leaving right now" Said Rhyme as she hurried me and Harmony along , "No, no , no It's cool , it's just , uh you should stay , the sun'll set any minute now" , " Thank you , but we better get going" I said , I could tell that Rhyme wanted to leave , " I'm Robbie by the way" he said , "All right Robbie-" Rhyme said but got cut off by Harmony " I'm-" Rhyme pulled her aside and said " Don't talk to strangers , we're not in Attaway anymore". Harmony seemed mad " But when someone interduces themselves to me , I introduce them back". Rhyme apologized " Sorry , I just got a little flustered He's kinda..." , "super hot " said Harmony finishing her sentence " I was gonna say handsome , but that works too".

When we had gotten back to the house , Ellie and Robin were recording , so we just watched and listened to Ellie as she sang. From what I could tell we were all liking it but I couldn't see that Robin was liking it , When Ellie was done she said " You were flat the entire time , and what was with that raspy thing? , you know you've got something really interesting in your voice and you're not letting me hear it" She sighed " Go to bed , get some sleep , and maybe you can do better tomorrow". She sat up and left, Ellie looked mad and was yelling but we couldn't hear her , so all we did was give her signals that we couldn't hear her , and then we put our hands into a heart and she rolled her eyes and put her hands up into a heart and said something. But we couldn't hear. We just gave her thumbs up to help her.

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