Ellie had come back from the bathroom. She had a happy look in her eyes as she sat back down. When we went to the pep rally I had gotten more texts from Ezra , asking how my day was and stuff like that but I was busy and can't respond. Rhyme had come like she had said and helped with poster's. Tk came and talked to her. We were just stretching when Birdie came up Quinn and asked " Quinn where's your sister?" Quinn stood up straight from her stretching position " She's with the newspaper team , They loved her stuff " Quinn reassured her " She'll be back soon don't worry"
" Is that Rhyme ?" Asked Birdie , I had walked up to her " The girl with the Brown and blond hair , Yeah that's my sister" I said looking at her doing posters." I'd told her it'd be good to have her around" Quinn said. " Does she still know the Dance routines ?" Birdie stared at Rhyme. " Uh , well she's painting , so I don't know if you - " But Quinn was cut off By Birdie telling everyone to take 5.
We had all stopped stretching and walked over to a cooler that was filled with ice along with water and Coke Soda. I took a Coke and I sat against the wall while everyone else got there drinks. " Ellie and Henry totally did the Make out" Said Kayla. " Nice job Ellie " I said nudging her shoulder. " What's the make out?" a girl asked. " It's like a super romantic way of kissing " Ellie smiled. " Woah incredible" She said. I wonder if me and Ezra would ever do the Make out, I shook my head no I can't be catching feeling's for him I've never met him and he has never seen my face. Ellie pulled out a bag of Salt and Vinger Chip's, " That's , like your fifth bag of those ". Ellie spoke quickly again " Duh , these are like my favorite kind of chips".
" I mean I eat them all the time , They're my thing , Take a snap of me eating them" Asked Ellie. Kayla took out her phone and pressed record and took a tiny snap of Ellie eating the chips. " You need to cool it on the chips " Kayla said. I looked up to see Rhyme and Birdie walk out the door. She later came back with a red jacket , she had made the team. " No way Rhyme didn't just replace my sister" Said Quinn getting defensive.
We had waked out for a minute only to find that Rhyme had gone with Birdie and had rejoined the team. " This is so messed up" Said Quinn. " I think we should be proud of her that she made the team , I mean we are now the Chicken Girls again" I said this is what Rhyme had wanted. " She still replaced my sister" Quinn said , she had turned to Ellie " Hello? , Earth to Ellie ?" Asked Quinn, She was busy looking at her Phone. " Oh , sorry , what?" she looked up.
" She's texting Henry" said Kayla " Didn't you know there dating now?". Quinn look at Ellie " Ellie you can't be dating my Sister's Ex-Boyfriend ". Ellie look at her smiling " Why not,". They literally just broke up" said Quinn she looked pissed. " Quinn calm down " said placing my hand on her shoulder but she threw my hand off of her "Rooney probably ignored him , like she ignored the rest of the dance team." Spat Ellie.
" Oh really you're gonna take the side of a guy that you made out with once and hadn't even had a real conversation with?" Spat Quinn. Ellie looked offended " We've had plenty of conversations". Quinn glared at her " Yeah? Like what?". Ellie looked confused but still looked confident "Like ... Salt and ... Uh Vinegar ... and chips". " Wow" Quinn rolled her eyes at Ellie , " You know you're just jealous , because you've never had a boyfriend" Snapped Ellie. It was true , Ellie was the only one out of the Chicken girls to finally have a relationship. "That's not true , I have one now" said Quinn. I looked at her stunned " What?" I asked. " first I'm hearing of it" Said Ellie.
"Maybe that's because your too busy , with sloppy seconds with your new bestfriend, Kayla" Quinn said her eye's were blazing with anger. Kayla raised her eyes at Quinn looking for a challenge. "Fine then Quinn who's your boyfriend?" Asked Ellie. Quinn looked around then took Tk's hand in hers " I'm dating Tk" We all looked at her , we all didn't believe that at all. Quinn then mumbled something into Tk's ear something that we all couldn't hear.
" Hey girl's Pep rally in 5 minutes' Said Birdie as she walked in. And then Rhyme walked in with her new Jacket , I smiled at her and she smiled as she walked into the room. Rhyme looked at Quinn and saw she was holding hand's with Tk. " I need water" she said as she walked outside into the hall.
It was the Pep rally and we all had our hood's up, as we walked into the gym with the cheer's of everyone was screaming our named. We all walked into the Gym with smiles on our faces and out heart's ready to dance. After the Pep rally it was after school and me and Rhyme were walking , but we heard a voice calling out to us. " Rhyme wait up" Yelled Tk as he ran to us. Rhyme nodded to me and I know I would meet her at home. As I walked I felt my phone buzz , I looked to see that it was from Ezra.
Hey , What's up , I saw you dance , your really good
I looked the text , Ezra was there. I smiled that he had come to see my dance , so I responded back;
I didn't see you , but thanks , we should meet up sometime
I wrote back. He then replied with ;
Yeah , sorry for not coming and saying hi and we should
I then realized that I never showed him a picture of me , so how did he know I was here. So I wrote;
Hold on , I never showed you my face so how did you know what I looked like
I waited for him to text then he wrote
You had sent me a Picture of you and your school name , we don't live too far away
I looked at my recent text and saw that "I had apparently" did. Then I realized that I had let my sister Harmony have my phone , did she see my text's with Ezra.
My sister sent you that sorry
Don't worry about it ,btw you look cute ; )
I felt my heart race. Was I falling in love with Ezra. I smiled at the text and put my phone away. Rhyme had catch up to me. I won't tell her about Ezra not yet , but I have a feeling Harmony will tell her sooner or later. But I can worry about that later , Right now the only thing I had on my mind was a kid named Ezra having my heart and Rhyme was now on the dance team. Life was turning around.

Birds of a Feather ( Chicken Girls Fanfic)
FanfictionEmma and her friends have always danced together. But this year there's a new girl in town, and only three spots on the team. She Receive Strange Text Messages from someone she doesn't know , but her and this Person become really close and even more...