It the schools Powder puff game, I walked with Rhyme to the game, Sadie was of course latched onto T.K's side like a leech.
We all were sitting on the grass, stretching when Birdie and Sadie went and sat next to Stephanie. " is Rooney really skipping?" Stephanie asked Birdie. " yeah, I'm sorry" Birdie answered. " At my school, we play in full pads and tackling is encouraged, y'all are so cute with your little flags and t-shirts" Sadie says.
" Maybe you should go back to Texas and play there done" Rhyme sneered. Astrid walked up with Wes " thanks for the ride, have fun" she told him as she went and sat next to Rhyme.
Flash blew his whistle " Everyone one sides for kick off. Remember ladies, no rough housing this is meant to be fun". The boys cheered us from the side lines, I was on the blue team facing towards Birdie. The whistle blew and we began to play, Sadie had the ball and Astrid went towards her, Sadie threw the ball and Astrid took off one of her flags.
Later in the game, Rhyme threw the ball and Astrid caught it and ran to our goal. The whistle blew and we all went to the benches " and that's the end of the first half! Ladies and Gents, please welcome the Attaway Attaboy cheerleaders for the half time show".
We all cheered as Carlos, T.K, Wes, and Ty went onto the field, " Go Ty!l" Luna cheered, " Yeah T.K!" Birdie cheered. Carlos pointed at Ellie " this one's for you" we all gawked as Ellie hid her face embarrassed.
" 5, 6, 7, 8 " T.K counted, " Hands up, hands up, up to the sky, let's go ladies your so fly, hands up, hands up, let's go ladies your so fly" they all cheered, we clapped once they were done. While they were cheering Ty took off his shirt and flexed his muscles smiling at Luna.
Once we got back into the game, the blue team was huddled up together, " All right Squad, we're down by 3, we just need to score" Ellie said " everyone in on 1,2" we all placed our hands in and when we went down Ellie stayed up and was looking at something, we all turned to see Robbie back.
She ran over to him, she looked shocked before he pulled her into a kiss, he took her hand and they both left. The game continued and we ended up winning. We all went in fo a team hug as everyone cheered.
" that's Game" Flash announced. Sadie was of course mocking Rhyme, she stood up tall, Rhyme had a bag flung over her shoulder, Sadie and T.K were talking to her until she dropped the back and snapped " you know what? You don't even go here, so how 'bout you start acting like a normal person instead of being a raging lunatic to girl you don't even know" she turned to T.K " and you should have better taste in women, I wish I'd never dated you". Gemma clapped from the sidelines " atta girl". She turned to her " and you be quiet, you act like some sort of enlightened indie chick, but that's just an excuse to make everybody else feel like garbage and make yourself feel better, I can't believe I chose you over my real friends" all the Chicken girls cheered at that statement. " and Mr. Daniels, I'm sorry I'm not the person you thought I was, but if I'm being honest, I'm not the person I thought I was either, I don't know what I'm supposed to do or who I'm supposed to be and I'm okay with it" she then turned to Astrid and Wes, " and would you two just be together already? Everyone knows you want to". Robbie started to clap and me, Ellie, Quinn and Rhyme walked away, arm in arm, we were all friends again. I felt my phone buzz and I checked it expecting the unknown number but I saw a name I hadn't seen in a long time.
1 missed call from Kate

Birds of a Feather ( Chicken Girls Fanfic)
أدب الهواةEmma and her friends have always danced together. But this year there's a new girl in town, and only three spots on the team. She Receive Strange Text Messages from someone she doesn't know , but her and this Person become really close and even more...