It was Graduation day for all the seniors at Attaway High. I was walking with Rhyme and Harmony to the ceremony when T.K came up to us.
" Hey Rhyme wait up" she turned around " what is it?" She asked. " can we um talk?" He asked, " can't you see we're heading to graduation?".
" How bout after? In front of the school?" He asked. " don't you think we said everything that needs to be said" she said. " I thought so, then I read your letters " he told her.
" How did you get my letters back?" She asked, Harmony gasped " Thomas Kay, you went through our trash and found Rhyme's letters? Unbelievable " . Rhyme groaned " why do you always have to meddle?". " hey, if you don't want to see me I understand, if you change your mind, I'll be there" he says. Rhyme rolls her eyes and walks away " whatever" Harmony whisper " sorry " as me and her leave T.K. " what did you do?" I asked, " well I took Rhyme's letters over to his house " she replied, I sighed " your such a trouble maker".
it was after the ceremony and I got a text. I was in one of many hallways throughout the school. I checked the message. It read iseeyou. I stopped and turned around to see Ezra behind me.
" Ezra? What are you doing here?" I asked, he walked up to me " I came to see you". I tilted my head to one side, I couldn't help but slightly melt at hearing his accent " I thought you didn't want to speak to me". He nodded " I said a lot of things that I didn't mean last time we saw each other, but I came here to apologize".
" for what?" I asked, " for not respecting you, I can see why you were so mad, I mean if I walked in on you hugging some guy I'd be pretty mad too". I couldn't look him in the eyes, I felt guilty " look, we both just can't be talking, your my girlfriend and I want to make it right between us" I felt his hand lifting my chin for me to look at him. " what are you suggesting?" I asked.
" maybe coming to London with me, for the summer, we could spend time together just like how it was in Miami" I smiled at the thought of Miami. " well what do you say?". I pulled him into a short but sweet kiss " yes" he smiled. " and I'm sorry for flipping out at you, I should have let you explain yourself before I just jumped to conclusions" he nodded " well I forgive you, do you forgive me?" I nodded " yes", he smiled and pulled me into a hug. " before we leave, we could head to Junior's, then I can pack up then we'll go" he nodded " okay" and we left hand in hand.
Once we got to Junior's, the lights were out, Ezra looked at the dark building " are you sure there's people here?" He asked, I nodded " I think so" just then the lights came back on and there were people inside, we could hear them cheer as they came back on.
I walked into Junior's with Ezra and I was surprised to see Harmony there, I ran up to the chicken girls and gave them a hug, Ellie noticed Ezra" your back?", he nodded " for a while ", Quinn and Ellie tilted there heads at me " we made up, everything's good". I felt Ezra take my hand into his Astrid looked confused " oh Astrid this is Ezra my boyfriend and Ezra this is Astrid my cousin ", Astrid shock his hand " nice to meet you" he nodded " same here", Luna went in front of the table and said" everyone, thanks for coming and congratulations to the Attaway seniors" everyone cheered.
She turned to Ty " especially Ty, I'm so proud of you and Provincetown is lucky to have you" we all awed, " but, you better tell those P-town ladies to backup 'cause I still got my promise ring" she waved it in front of everyone " cheers everyone ". I noticed that Harmony had pulled Ezra aside to talk to him, he loomed over her, due to him being so tall, I couldn't help but laugh at the huge height difference.
Rhyme and T.K walked in, we all said Hey as she walked over and gave us a hug." Okay so tell me everything " Quinn said, Rhyme smiled shyly " let's just say I have me friend back" we all smiled and went in for another hug.
We were talking among ourselves " so let me get this straight, Rhyme, your going to cheerleading camp?, Emma, your going to London with Ezra?, Ellie, your traveling with the debate team? And I'm gonna work at the summer camp with Molly, so when are we ever gonna see each other?" Quinn asked. " we're all going in different directions, witch means that we're not going to be the same old Chicken girls. But I also realize that no matter what happens or where we go, this crew will always be my heart" we all smiled, Ellie held up her cup " all right, cheers to the Chicken Girls " we all raised our cups " cheers!" We all said.
" Hello everyone Attention please!" Harmony yelled, I felt Ezra at my side again. " Hi, I'm Harmony, I'm Rhyme's and Emma's little sister, and ever since I can remember I've looked up to my older sisters and their girl gang, so In honor of the seniors graduating, I'd like to invite them up for a special performance" she turned around and turned on our song. She handed the Mic to Rhyme as she walked up to the front and began singing " listen up now, listen to me, my girls are my friends my family, stronger in numbers it's no wonder, watch out world watch and you'll see" Rhyme walked up to me and Quinn and Pulled me and Quinn up and Ellie soon followed. " there's no stopping us, in our gang, come back come back for me up like a boomerang" we all started to dance the signature Chicken girls dance, it felt like second nature to us. " we fly so high, we fly together, we are a girl gang like birds of a feather, we fly so high we fly together, we are a girl gang like birds of a feather" once we were all done, we went into a hug and everyone clapped and cheered.
At home, Ezra was waiting on his dad to come and pick us up to go to London, I was with Rhyme and Harmony, Rhyme was getting ready for cheerleading camp, I was already packed. " go with the yellow" Harmony tells her, she smiled and placed the yellow shirt into her bag. " what am I gonna do without you this summer? Both of you? I mean, who is going to pick out my outfits and meddle way too much into my personal life?". I laughed, " just text me" Harmony told her. She looked at the picture that T.K had taken of me and Rhyme on the first day of school. " I've never seen that photo before, you're both such babies", I smiled as Rhyme sat next to us " I think we were about your age" I tell her. " witch is why" Rhyme opened her nightstand and lifted a small blue box, she opened it and handed Harmony 4 chicken girls bracelets, just like the ones we had before Kayla left and gave us new ones. " you're gonna need this".
" Is that for me?" Harmony asked. " yeah, it's your turn now, your officially a chicken girl" Harmony's face lit up as Rhyme placed the bracelet into her hand, " OMG, what do I need to know?" She asked quickly. " it's not what you need to know it's who" I tell her, " find your three best friends and give 'em these, meet outside on the first day of school, it's tradition, there will be boys and girls, and fights, and dance meets but one thing will never change, you'll always be the chicken girls" Rhyme handed her the other 3 bracelets. She looked down at them and smiled. I found myself looking at the photo again, of me and Rhyme and I began to remember all that had happened, the first day of school, me meeting Ezra through Text, the Dance Expo, me meeting Cody, me meeting Ezra, when Kayla left us to go to Crown Lake, working on the Rodeo and Juliette, everything seemed like it had gone by so fast. I smiled, I got a text and I knew that it was time to go. I hugged them both goodbye and went outside to see Ezra, I got into the car and headed off to London with My head resting on Ezra's shoulder. My mind began to wonder as I sang in my head our song, smiling.
We fly so high, we fly together, we are a girl gang like birds of a feather.
Authors note: I can't believe that it's over, I spent two years working on this book ( it was made in 2019) I love this book with all my heart, I will of course be re writing some things to make it better but until then, this is the end.I'm so sad that this book is finished, I hope that you like the ending, it's not the best, but it will do. So I would like to Thank you all for reading this book, I didn't think that it would be this popular. Thank you for keeping up with this book even though it's year long hiatus and me just messing around with ideas. So just...
Thank you❤️

Birds of a Feather ( Chicken Girls Fanfic)
FanfictionEmma and her friends have always danced together. But this year there's a new girl in town, and only three spots on the team. She Receive Strange Text Messages from someone she doesn't know , but her and this Person become really close and even more...