Chapter 47 : The Other Guy

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It was the first day of school from a long Summer , I was lying in my beg when I felt someone in my room , I didn't move but I would be late if I didn't. I turned around and saw Harmony ," Shi-oot , Harmony you scared the crap out of me" I said , She smiled " You're gonna be late if you don't get up" , I sat up "Okay , I'm up", I reached over to get my phone there was a message from Kayla that said " Miss you Ladies! wish I could be there! Have a great first day !" I smiled and then got ready.

It was Harmony's first day of Middle school witch meant we would be going to school together. When we got to school Quinn was talking to us about Hamilton, " I can't" she said , "Mm poor thing" said Ellie , "Are you sure it's him" said Rhyme , Quinn looked at her " Of course it's him" , she showed us the picture ," But it says-" but I was cut off from Ellie " Jared Danger", "That's his stage Name" Quinn told us.

"Well at least he's not on the Cover" Ellie said, "Page 37 basically is the cover" Quinn whined ,"We can always find somebody new" Rhyme said ," What about a junior with his own car" I suggested.

" I could have been a male Models Girlfriend" Quinn sighed" I could have been Mrs. Jared Danger ","Look I worked at Tre Chic and trust me Quinn your way better off" I told her." The only thing worse than a male model is an aspiring DJ" Rhyme said ,"Okay" Ellie grabbed the magazine from her hand and threw it away " Hey I was reading that" Quinn said , Ellie grabbed her hand " Time to study" she said as she pulled her to Class , I chuckled " Well I gotta get to class so I'll see you at Gym" , She nodded" I'll see you" and I made my way to Class.

At Gym the boys were playing basketball while they girls were sitting out , I was sitting with Ellie just talking about stuff ," So how are things with Ezra?" she asked , I began to fiddle with my hair " Thing's are going good , he's still in England but I'm saving up money to see him" I smiled , " That's great" she said , Rhyme and Quinn were walking up and then sat down, " What happened to Flash? he's like seven feet tall now" Quinn said ," Well it's called a growth spurt" said Ellie ,"You know I do kinda wish I could grow three , four inches taller" Rhyme said and I agreed.

"I just wanna get two inches shorter" said Ellie ," You two should trade" I said , they all smiled and laughed." Hamilton was exactly 6' tall", The whistle blew and the coach called Rhyme up, the Guy who's running a radio show named Jessie was also up , he had the ball , As Rhyme was walking up He stared at her , the whistle blew and he threw it bit instead of Rhyme catching it , it smacked her in the face.

She ended up getting a bloody nose , After school we were all walking home" You know Sophomore year may not be that bad" said Rhyme, " Loving the Optimism" said Harmony " Freshmen year Rhyme was kinda jaded TBH" ," Right" said Rhyme ," How was your first day of middle school?" I asked ,'I got the lead in the school play" she said ,"They were holding Auditions on the first day of school?, That's Crazy" said Rhyme ," Oh sweetie when they heard I wanted the role, no one tired out" , I rolled my eyes playfully "Stop growing up so fast" Rhyme nudged her " You're still my little sister both of you" Rhyme smiled at me.

" Only in age and stature" Harmony mumbled , we walked into the house when Harmony called out to mom , We heard our mom but she seemed upset , as we were walking in we sat our cousin Astrid, " Hey cousins long time no see" , I l smiled " Astrid" I called ,"Harmony , you got so big" she said as Harmony ran to give her a hug. " I'm in middle school " ," Hey is everything okay?" Rhyme asked , I pulled her into a hug when she had let go of Harmony. " It's a long story , I'm gonna be staying here for now, I start at Attaway tomorrow" ," that's amazing So you three are gonna be Sophomores?" Harmony asked ," Yeah" Astrid said ,"Do you mind if I stay in your room?" she asked Rhyme.

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