Chapter 6 : Next Crush

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Me and Rhyme were about to leave for school when Rhyme walked in wearing all blue. Harmony was playing with her stuffed animals. I was of course texting Ezra. Rhyme sat down on the bed wearing a blue jacket. " Feeling blue?" asked Harmony.

" Yeah a little" said Rhyme. She had out on her chicken girls bracelet and I was always wearing mine." How'd you know?" Asked Rhyme , Harmony smirked " Have you looked in the mirror?". I nudged Harmony " Hey , I think it's her new favorite color" I told her and she smiled." It was just so weird seeing Tk , Ace's party was a disaster".

Harmony had set her toys down " Have you tried talking to him"." About what?" asked Rhyme "Tk has new friends now" She sighed. I hurts me to see her sad. She sighed " Maybe I should just retire to the shelf like one of my old toys". I stopped texting Ezra telling him I would talk to him later and turned to Rhyme " No way". Harmony nodded in agreement " You see , when I first got Bunny-" She hugged Bunny tight " Teddy was sad , so I took teddy to the park , just the two of us , now look at us , we're playing together" Harmony threw Bunny and Teddy up into the air.

" Maybe you're on to something" Rhyme looked off into the distances. " Think I have time to change?" she asked. I smiled and nudged her to her feet " You better" said Harmony , Rhyme stood up and walked to the bathroom to change. Harmony was gonna when I grabbed her arm tugging her back. " What?" she asked. " I know that you told Ezra about me name and my school and that you had sent a picture of me to him". She looked at me confused " Yeah so?". I put my phone in my pocket " I just didn't want you to do that , but it's fine" I said. She smiled ' So are you guys gonna meet up any time soon". I shrugged " I don't know , we've been talking about it but I'm not sure yet". She smirked " Do you like him?". I was shocked "what ? , no" She raised her eyebrows " No" I said , her smirked became wider, " Yes , okay fine I do" I blurted out. She smiled , she knew that she had broke me.

"Well I need to get to school , see you later Harmony" I stood up. Harmony called back " Wait should I tell Rhyme about Ezra" . I yelled back No ans went to school.

I had caught up with Rhyme and we walked to the school's pool were we sat down. Tk came up to us " Hey" Rhyme said , "Sup" said Tk , I just gave a little nod." I wanted to Schedule some hangout time together" Rhyme said. " Hang out time?" Tk asked. " We've been so busy lately and that's okay , I just don't wanna lose you in my life , unless you're too busy hanging out with the Raymond twins" , Rhyme scoffed at the last part.

"They're chill , it's whatever" Tk said I looked up from my book and gave him a look. " It's whatever?" Rhyme looked confuse " are you feeling okay?" she asked. He smiled " More than Ok , I'm feeling Tk" . Rhyme looked at him " Is that supposed to be funny?" she asked. " Wow" I mumbled going back to my book , but I wasn't reading.

Tim Sharp has come up to Rhyme and asked " Hey , Rhyme are you around tomorrow , a bunch of us are going to the arcade , if you want to come" He said. Rhyme smiled " Sure ,currently I have no plans , absolutely none . Zero plans" She turned to Tk making it obvious. " What about you Em" he asked. I looked up from my book " Um yeah , sure" I said.

"It's cool , I'm going on a date with Sierra , I mean, Laney " Tk said proud of his plans." first Quinn and now the Raymond twins , your a real ladies name these days" Rhyme said sarcastically. " Yeah , well, be chill" Tk said.

"Be chill , I'm chill" Rhyme stood up " Your the one who's not acting chill" and she stormed off. She came back once she had forgotten her backpack " I'm always chill" She said storming off again . I stood up and followed her to school.

After school I had texted Ezra about everything that has happened and he told me to just stay positive and keep smiling , because he loves my smile. That had made me smile , he then wrote:
I bet that made you smile

Yes , it did and thank you

For what?

Being there for me

I'm always here for you if you ever need to talk , I'm here

Btw I love your smile too

I smiled at my last text and after that I took a nap and had dreams about meeting Ezra , I was in love with him. I could not believe that I was in love with some one. The only person I fell in love with was Tk but he didn't know that , but now that everything had happened and me meeting Ezra I could forget about Tk and just sleep and dream about only one boy who had my heart.

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