Chapter 30 : Little shop of Horrors

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Ace was throwing yet another party , But this time I was doing a couples costume with Cody. I would be Veronica Sawyer and He would be Jason Dean from heather's since we're both big fans of Heathers. Me and Rhyme were already at the Party , I was wearing my . I was walking around , I then gotten a text from Cody;

Hey I'm here , I don't see you
I'm Here too , I'll find you don't worry , just look for someone blue
Kay will do

As I was putting my phone I away I saw that I had last texted Ezra a month ago , we hadn't talked since school stared , I should talk to him again but not now , I was by the food when I heard someone call my name " Hey Em" I turned around and I saw Cody and his , I smiled and kissed him " Hey" I said and he smiled " Hey" , " I love you're costume" I told him " I love you're too , hey guess what I got" he pulled put what looked like a real Cigarette ," Is that real?" I asked , He shook his head " No , it's fake , but it look's real" He smiled and put it in his mouth. " I think it makes you look more like J.D" I told him , he smiled " Chaos is what killed the Dinosaurs darling" he quoted Heathers. I laughed.

"Would you like to dance?" I asked ," You bet" he said and we went to dance. After that he had gotten a Phone call , " How on I'll go outside , but I'll be right back" he said as he walked away. " Okay" I said , I had found Rhyme along with Ell-Brook and Kayla talking.

"Hey guys" I said, they all said hi , " I haven't see you guys around lately?" I asked ," The B's ruined my outfit and even worse I think I'm falling for Robbie Robins " said Brook , " And Flash isn't listening to me " Said Kayla" I'm over Flash , he's a total Jerk" she said " We came in a couples costume and he won't even take 5 minutes to dance with his girlfriend".

" Well at least were here together , you know The Chicken Girls together again" I said ," No Quinn isn't here" said Rhyme. Just the Spike and Birdie walked in , Birdie changed very badly. Cody still wasn't there , how long was this Phone call , I went outside and saw that he was sitting on the stairs , " Hey" I said sitting next to him , " What's wrong?" I asked. Cody looked at me and his eyes looked red , he had been crying , " Babe what's wrong" I told him pacing my hand on his cheek ," Hey , I won't get mad at you , but I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong". He looked at me with teary eye's " My mom and Dad are going to separate" he cried ," Like a devoice?" I asked , he shook his head " My mom kicked him out of the house". He began to cry , I pulled him into a hug as he cried " Shh it's okay" I told him kissing his head " I'm here , I'm not gonna leave you".

"Hey babe , you can stay at my house for the night , I just gotta go and get my jacket" I told him and he nodded and stood up whipping away his tears. I walked in and saw that all they girls were outside and I saw why , Birdie had gotten a tattoo of a bird. Rooney had walked up to her and was talking to her but Spike said something to her and she walked right back , " It's just temporary , right" asked Ellie , "It's a hundred percent real" said Rooney , " How could she" I asked ,"it looks like a tea pot from here I can't really tell" said Ellie ,"It's a Bird , it's a stupid little bird that's gonna be on her body forever" Rooney yelled. I walked back ," Rhyme something happened to Cody and he's gonna stay at our house , if that's okay " , Rhyme nodded " Yeah that's fine , what happened is he aright?" she asked, I nodded " He'll be fine , he just needs me right now" I said as I walked back to him and we walked home.

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