Chapter 57 : Fun and Glory

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Today was the Day of the Softball game. It was a tradition to play sport's on thanksgiving and we were going to be playing Softball. I had called Angel over so that she could play with us. She was always the sport type of girl, I had gotten a Text from Ezra saying Happy thanksgiving and that he misses me and I said the same to him knowing that I probably missed him more then he missed me. It was oddly strange because I though that when I had gotten home the night from the Gallery that Rhyme and Astrid would be fighting but they haven't even talked to one another once. As we were walking to the diamond, Astrid complained " I can't believe I'm spending my thanksgiving playing Softball, I hate softball".

"playing sports on Thanksgiving is like our tradition" Harmony told her, "It's not my Tradition" Astrid spat, "can we at least pretend were having a good time, Please?" Rhyme asked, me and Angel trailed behind, " Did they fight at all?" she asked, I shook my head " Nope, not once every since the Gallery, they haven't spoken".

Once we were at the Diamond Jesse and Wes were fighting, they both looked at us " this is gonna be awkward" Harmony said. Ellie, Quinn, Robbie, Luna, Ty, Jesse, Wes, Flash, Rhyme, Astrid, Me, Angel, and Harmony were all here. We all stood in a line as Luna spoke " Welcome everyone to our Annual Thanksgiving pickup softball game. Remember to stretch and stay hydrated because we're not just playing for kicks , this game will distinguish the Winner's from the losers, we're playing for Glory and for ---" Luna was getting intense so Ty cut her off "- and we're playing for fun, okay so thank you again everybody for coming out".

" Now to help us pick teams" Luna said, Harmony walked up with a coin " Heads for Luna and tails for Ty", she said as she flipped the coin. "Good luck babe, you're gonna need it" Ty tells her, "we'll see about that" she challenges. I had gotten onto Luna's Team with Ellie, Robbie, Jesse, Wes, and Luna. " Listen up guys, we've got the sun at our backs for the first half so we have to use that to our advantage. Jesse you take the mound, Wes you go to First, Robbie Second, I'll take third, Em you take Outfield", Ellie asked " What about me?", " Ellie you take the Outfield, okay we've got the cream them" Luna tells us.

Once we're on the Diamond me and Ellie go to the Outfields, Rhyme is up for pitching, Jesse stands on the plate and is ready to throw the ball, "Hey Jesse, No nose balls this time" Flash calls out to him , " listen , I would never do anything to hurt her, her nose or any part of her body" he says tp Flash." Let's Play Ball!" Harmony calls and Jesse throw's the ball, Rhyme manages to hit the ball. We all run to get it but Rhyme is already at First base.

Astrid is next up to Bat, She looks annoyed, Jesse throws the ball and Astrid hits it as it goes into the Outfield , Ellie is there to catch it, once she does she celebrates "I got it!, can't bilevel I got it", Robbie looks at her "Congratulations, now you have something to celebrate today". As the Game continues we're now hitting while there on the infields Flash throws the ball First Luna hits the ball and runs to first base then to second and then to third as the other team struggles to get the ball, then Me I hit the ball and go to first , then second, as Luna makes a homerun. Then Ellie's up to Bat, She runs to first base as I run to third and then a homerun. Then is Jesse hits the ball but Rhyme catches it.

We switch sides and Quinn is batting. Jesse throw's the ball and Quinn hit's the ball causing it to go into the outfield me and Ellie run to get it while Luna yells at Ellie saying " Ellie, that you!", She apologized as I got the ball and throw it to Jesse, Flash runs a homerun during all of the confusion.

"Bottom of 6th. two runners are in scoring positions with no outs. Ty needs 3 runs to win!" Harmony says as Ty is up to Bat. Jesse is taking deep breathes and doing weird mediation movements, Angel as well is waiting on the bench as Rhyme is on Third and Astrid is on Second. "Can we go already?" She calls out " Go, Go to third!" Astrid calls out as Rhyme looks at her confused " Astrid, No Don't!" Rhyme called out to her, Ty also yelled "Yo Astrid, what are you doing?". Wes calls to Jesse " Jesse, they're stealing second, and third" Jesse throws the ball Robbie as Luna calls to Robbie and he throws it to her as Luna hit's Rhyme with the ball " Out" she tells her as Astrid is on second.

" That two out's, one more left!" Harmony called out to the team, Quinn Hit's the ball as she runs to first base, I look over to see that Ellie and Robbie are talking. " That's two outs, and the score is three to one. A homerun wins" Harmony tells us as Ellie and Robbie continue talking, Flash is up to Bat. She didn't notice that a ball had gotten out of field, I didn't even notice until Luna called out to me and Ellie "Ellie, Emma that's you!", " Oh My god that's me" Ellie says as me and her run for the ball. Ty is on third base and Flash runs to first base, Ty runs to the home plate as well as Quinn, and Flash all make it to the Homeplate." Safe!, three to four, Ty's team wins!" Harmony says.

I make my way to the Home plate where everyone is talking and congratulating each other. Angel hugs me " Good game" she tells me and I repeat as we all go around hugging each other and saying good game as well as high fiving each other. Soon a car pulls up and it's Rooney and Birdie. They soon come and join us as we all get into a circle. " Okay on the count of Three, we're going to go. One, two, three, Chicken Girls forever at the top, okay". We all say it as we put our hands in the middle " One, Two, Three, Chicken Girls Forever!" We all begin cheering as we all jump in the air. I don't think this year could get any better.

A/N: BOOM!!! it's finished ( Well until Season 6 comes out but still), I would like to thank everyone who has followed with is book and it's effort's, I literally just got bored one day and I made this book and I never know it would grow so big. So Thank you all.

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