When we had gotten onto the plane , I sat next to Rhyme , in my own seat by the window. I looked up and saw that the boys were still on the same flight as us ,"Of course you're on the same plane as us" Sighed Rhyme , " Well there's only one flight a day and we all have school tomorrow" Said Flash , it made sense , I didn't know why Rhyme was so annoyed by them , "You guys have fun?" asked Ellie , "The best time ever" said T.k , "Well I mean best time ever outside of Attaway" he corrected , " What about you Four?" Ace asked , " It was amazing , I'm gonna be a singer" said Ellie , " I'm gonna be an actress" said Harmony , " And I'm going to .... figure it out one day" said Rhyme , They all looked at me " Same as her , it was fun" I said. There was a crime that rang and we all putted our seatbelts on , T.K had turned around " Rhyme , I think you're pretty great the way you are" , Rhyme looked at him then looked down. I had put on my headphone and fell asleep to the music. It was fun , because I had kissed Robbie , no one had asked when I had gotten back to the house why I looked like I just saw a ghost.
When we had landed we all went to the Arcade because we had heard that it was in danger so we all went there to help. When we walked into the building Monica had squealed and over to us , giving me , Ellie and Rhyme a big group hug , I was taken back , "I never through I'd be so excited to see you guys" she said , " What are you doing here?" she asked pulling away from the hug , "We just got back from L.A and we heard what's going on" said Rhyme , " Is there anything we can do to help?" I asked , "Honestly , Perform" Said Monica , I nodded " You got , it , Hit it , Harmony" I called , She then hit a button that sand out song , Me , Ellie and Rhyme all made our way up to the stage to sing.
" Listen up now , listen to me" Sang Rhyme , " My girls are my fam , my family" I sang we both sang together " stronger in number's it's no wonder, watch out world , watch and you'll see" , Rhyme sang " There's no stopping us " I sang "and our gang" We both sang together "Come back , come back for ya like a boomerang" All of us " We fly so high, we fly together , we fly together , we are a girl gang like birds of a feather , birds of a feather , We fly so high , we fly together , fly together , we are a girl gang like birds of a feather" Then Ellie sang " Time goes by , tic-tock-tic , can measure the moments with a click , Growing up and not apart , this crew will always be my heart , still no stopping us and our gang , Come back , come back for ya , like a boomerang " Then all of us " We fly so high , we fly together , fly together , we are a girl gang , like birds of a feather , birds of a feather , we fly so high , we fly together , fly together ,we are a girl gang , like birds of a feather " We stopped singing and we all bowed as everyone clapped.
I had went to go play a arcade game , I just had to think about something else and not Ezra or Robbie. It was really dark and I had fallen asleep on a game , I woke up to see Flash was there , " Um hey" I said , he turned around and smiled " Um hey , Tk's with Rhyme , she fell asleep too" , I smiled and sat up " Well thanks for telling me" I said he smiled" Your welcome". I sat up and saw that our mom was there to pick me and Rhyme up , Rhyme had woken up , she was rubbing her eyes and we walked into the car. When we had gotten home , I fell onto my bed when I had gotten a text from Ezra;
How was you're Trip?
My heart sank , I wouldn't tell him anything about Robbie , but I'll tell him about everything else but I was tired and I just wanted to sleep
I'll tell you tomorrow , I'm so tired , I just helped save the Arcade and I'm whipped out
Okay , I hope you have a goodnight sleep and I'll talk to you in the morning
I turned off my phone and fell asleep quickly, I had forgotten to set my alarm.
When I had woken up the next day , we were all walking to school , when Ellie said " You know it's true what they say , when there's no place like home" , I nodded " I was really homesick " I admitted "I hate to say it , but I actually miss you guys" said Kayla , "Aww! we missed you too" Said Rhyme , " We also missed dance practice , which means that we are way behind for state" Said Quinn. Rhyme looked at her " State?" , "We only have two months until the competition" said Quinn , " It's at Millwood this year I heard they're pretty good" said Kayla , I had just remembered that Ezra lives in Millwood , I could see him there , my heart was racing at finally meeting him." Wow the drama really never ends" said Rhyme " Speaking of which" said Ellie , we all looked up tp see Tim Sharp sitting on the curb , it was clear that Rhyme had to break up with him." I guess i'll catch you guys later , there something I need to do" she said as she walked over to Tim and we all went to school. The whole time at school , my heart was set on telling Ezra that I would see him , I knew for sure I was in love with him , no doubt about it. By the time I had gotten home I hadn't thought about Robbie once , not once.

Birds of a Feather ( Chicken Girls Fanfic)
FanfictionEmma and her friends have always danced together. But this year there's a new girl in town, and only three spots on the team. She Receive Strange Text Messages from someone she doesn't know , but her and this Person become really close and even more...