Chapter 39 : The Stench

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I was with Rhyme while she was yelling at Tim abut him publishing the paper. Something that smelled Rotten came to me and Tim , Ezra walked in " I think we found the source" said Rhyme " Very funny" he said " I'm actually hot on the trail of this stench" he said , I nodded " Good for you" I said , " You got a lead?" asked Tim " Yeah -- " , "Sound's like he's bluffing" said Rhyme , "keep me posted" said Tim ,"Of course , you two are working together" said Rhyme " Tim accidently published my essay , and you write that disgusting article about how women belong in the kitchen" , we were all shocked , " That's not what I wrote" he said , " you said that the feminist movement has gone too far and that with out stay-at-home moms the nuclear family would collapse" she quoted him " And I stand by that, women don't need to stay home, but it's not a bad thing if they do" he explained ," You literally told me you agreed with me then you wrote the extract opposite" said Rhyme " That's called getting the story " Ezra said trying to keep calm , " You know I through you were a really good guy in Miami " said Rhyme , I looked at her , not knowing what to say , I don't think any of us did.

"Clearly I was wrong" she said as she stormed out , I didn't follow her , I turned to Ezra ," she didn't mean that , you know" I said , he was looking at the door" yeah , I know" he said , I walked out the door and went to class. The whole time I smelled that smell , as I walked around I smelled it , not matter where I went it was there and other people could smell it to. But while I was walking I bumped into Ezra , " Hey" I said , he looked up from hi notepad , " Sorry , I've been very distracted with this story" , I looked at him " Could I help , you seem like you need help" I said ," Um I don't know" he said , " this could give us a chance to hang out" I said, " Okay , what do you have in mind?" he asked , I smiled ," We could ask Students , if they did it , like integration" I said , he smiled " that may work" he said , and I followed him as he asked students.

Ezra had gotten some students and brought them to the newspaper room , he tapped his pencil on his notepad and lifted a lamp to shine it into the students eyes "So.. what do you know about this mysterious smell?" he asked , first he asked Rooney and she looked at me " What is he doing?" , " We're solving a case , so answer the question" I told her , " If I knew anything , I'd be the first to come forward, like no one wants this " I wrote down what she said , The he asked one of the people on the newspaper team " I through maybe Hamilton had left a sandwich laying around , but I heard he's really cut down on the sandwich intake" I wrote what he said , next was Hamilton " Well I thought Quinn was just trying a new fragrance " I wrote down what he said " Do you think this could be some kind of prank?" asked Ezra He asked the question to Ty "No , who would do that?" , I wrote down what he said , He then asked one of the B's "What's your name again?" she asked , I sighed , "Ezra , I'm new here" he told her , She looked at him like she didn't believe him.

Rooney had answered the question " Sorry like I said, I don't know anything" she said. When we were done Ezra laded back in his chair and sighed , "Well what now?" I asked ," I don't know" he said , Later that Day , Ezra had met with Tim , while I just Sayed there , Rhyme had ran in there and began to type quickly , "What are you smiling about?" asked Tim "The source of the mysterious smell in the hallway in Attaway high has finally been identified , last semester, two freshmen boys used a little know corner of the school to create sup' a popular app , unfortunately they also ate BLT sandwiches in this room , and no sandwiches where ever discarded" read Tim , " How'd the smell get from there to the rest of the school ?" asked Ezra , "It's right by the air conditioning room , so it's literally pumping stale food through the vents?" explained Rhyme , "Gross" I said ," Yeah , no kidding" she said " yeah , be glad you didn't have to see it".

"Thanks Rhyme , I can take it from here" said Ezra ,"Actually this is Rhyme's scoop, Rhyme it's your article , if you want it" said Tim , " I would love to write it" she said , Ezra rolled his eyes and I nudged him.

After that , I had walked over to Cody's house to see if I could talk to him , I knocked on the door and Jenna opened the door , " Oh Hi Emma" she said ," Can I see Cody?" I asked , ' Um yeah he's right up in his room" she said and I nodded , I walked up the stairs, I knocked on his door , he didn't answer , I knocked again , and no answer , I opened the door , Cody was laying on his bed , " Hey" I said , I walked over to him something was wrong , I touched his shoulder " Cody , you ok?" I asked , I realized that he wasn't breathing , I yelled his name ," Jenna!" I yelled , she came running up the stairs , and saw Cody, she pulled out her phone and fell onto the bed , she called the police and I had to leave. I don't know what had happened to Cody, but whatever it was , it was big and he didn't have a chance on living long.

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