Chapter 2: Who are you?

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Kaede's POV:

"I'm Kaede Akamatsu the Ultimate Pianist."

I stared at the boy standing in front of me, he was slim and his hair was the color of a blueberry. I couldn't exactly see his face, so I decided to lift his cap up. His eyes were yellow and his skin was a bit pale. His cheeks started glowing read.

"U-umm can you b-back away please."

"Oh sorry about that! Its just that I couldn't really see your face since you were hiding it behind your cap."

"..Its alright... I usually do that when I'm embarrassed."

"Hey there's nothing to be embarrassed about!"

He jumped back, I might've said that a bit too loud.

"I-I know it's just my first day and I don't really know's a bit embarrassing I find to be walking around the halls all by yourself"

"You do know someone!"


"Me obviously! We're friends now aren't we?"

"W-wait we are?"

"Yeah duh! Now let's head to homeroom!" I snatched his hand and started speed walking to homeroom. I took a glance at his face. He looked so confused but he still went along with it. Once we got there we were both out of breath. I tried catching my breath.

"That took longer then expected."

"Y-yeah. Also how did you know where my homeroom was?" He said while trying to catch his breath.

"When you bumped into me you dropped your schedule on the floor and I took a glance at it, you have the same homeroom as me. Which reminds me," I opened my backpack and handed him his schedule.

"Here you go, now let's head inside, just a disclaimer, some of these people can be really.... uhhh.. annoying I guess?"

The boy nodded, I opened the door and entered the classroom. Everyone was huddle in the corner of the room.

"Do you wanna die?"

"P-please Maki l-let go I-I can't breathe"

"No you sneaky grape now tell me where you put my phone."

"F-fine I-it's on the ceiling n-now ca-can y-you l-let me go n-now p-please?"


"Phew, anyways, I'm gonna bother Miu now bye-" The boy who was getting choked to death by a girl saw me.

"Hey look who's back it's Kaede and she's brought a boy~"

I waved hello at everyone and introduced Shuichi.

"This is Shuichi Saihara, he's the ultimate detective and he's just transferred here."

"Another degenerate male? Kaede why can't you bring back a girl for once."

"Nyeh? He looks really pale. Are you okay Saihara?"

"Atua says we should be grateful that Kaede brought another student here. Nyahahahah!"

"Yeah Angie's right we need more dudes in the classroom anyways."

"Does Shuichi like bug? Because Gonta don't mind if Gonta tell you about bug"

"Would look good in a maid outfit or a bunny outfit, hmmm"

"E-excuse me?"

"Oh- you heard that just forget I ever said anything."

"Hello Shuichi I am Kirumi Tojo the Ultimate Maid, if you have any request I will fulfill them right away"

"Hello Mr. Shuichi Saihara I am K1-B0 but you can call me Kiibo, I'm the ultimate robot."

"Ryoma Hoshi, Ultimate Tennis Player"

"Do you like Anthropology?"

"I'm Maki Harukawa don't get on my bad side."

As I watched my classmates ask shuichi questions a smile formed on my face, then of course that question popped up

"Ooo is he your boyfriend bakamatsu?"

"Ayo poochi you dating this bubble headed bitch?"

Shuichi's entire face was redder then a cherry and so was mine.

"W-we are not dating why would you two ever assume that?!" I shouted.

All of a sudden, a green haired boy walked up to Shuichi's and stared him dead in the eyes.

"I-is it a tradition to stare people in the eyes at this school?" Shuichi whispered to me. That comment made me giggle a bit.

"So your Kaede's boyfriend, it's nice to meet you I'm Rantaro Amami and I don't have a talent" He put out is hand for a handshake.

"I-it's nice to meet you mister Amami a-and just to let you know I'm not Kaede's boyfriend we're just friends." Shuichi smiled and shook his hand. I sighed in relief. Rantaro smiled at Shuichi then walked back to his spot as he mumbled something under his breathe. Everyone kept asking Shuichi questions until the teacher walked in.

"Okay everyone please take a seat"

I sat down at my spot then patted the seat next to me so Shuichi could sit next to me.

"Hello class I am your homeroom teacher, Kohichi Kizakura but you can just call me Mr. Kizakura. I hope everyone had a wonderful year here at Hopes Peak Academy!"

After he said that the bell rang.

"Have a good day everyone!"

I walked out of class as Shuichi followed me.

"So what do you have first period?"


"Oh... I don't have that class but I'm pretty sure Rantaro has that class first period!"

Shuichi went silent and frowned a bit.

I looked at him a bit confused.

"Why did you go  silent all of a sudden?"

"I-I don't think Rantaro enjoys my company..." he awkwardly said while rubbing the back of his head.

I gave Shuichi a hug and smiled at him.

"I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, mister Ultimate Detective."

I backed away and pushed his cap down.

"Well see ya' Shuichi ! I don't think you want to be late for your first class!"

I waved goodbye and walked to class.

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