Chapter 26: Spring Festival (Part 5)

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Kaedes POV:

I was practicing the piece I was going to play while Sayaka was up on stage. I was non stop tapping my fingers on a desk, imagining the desk as a piano and where I tapped my fingers were the piano keys. Sadly, the dress they gave me made my arms a little stiffer then normal, so it was a bit uncomfortable to move them around. Normally I don't need to practice before competitions but to be honest, I am a little nervous. Its been a while since I've performed in front of a crowd of people, and one slip up could mess the whole piece up.

*Tap* *Tap Tap* *Tap* *Tap Tap Tap*

"Yo Matsu!" A person walked up to me from behind and tapped my shoulder, it made me jump. "Can you dial it down a little? You're totally ruining my vibe with your nervous tapping."

"Huh? Oh sure Ibuki! Sorry about that..." I said with an awkward smile.

She patted me on the back, "You know there's nothing to be nervous about, all those people probably spend their time eating their own toe nails while you and Ibuki are out here not eating our toe nails!"

I looked at her confused, "Was that supposed to be encouraging?" I thought to myself.

I gave her a thumbs up and a half smile. In the distance I could hear loud applause noises coming from the crowd, Sayaka must be finished her performance. I turned to my left, noticing that Sayaka was walking down the stairs from the stage. She looked as if she was sweating, she made eye contact with me and Ibuki and waved as she ran over to us.

"Hey! Did you guys see my performance?" She said with a cheerful smile.

"Yeah! You were like a elephant who can paint like da Vinci" Ibuki commented.

We both looked at her confused and Sayaka replied with a simple "Thanks" she then turned to me and smiled, "Did you see my performance Akamatsu?"

"I- uh- i-" My heart started beating at a rapid speed. It's true, I do have a little bit of a crush on Sayaka but it's more like a celebrity crush then an actual crush. I admire her so much that just her acknowledging my existence could make me stumble on my words. If Leon wasn't there with me at the maid cafe, I would've definitely started freaking out over talking to Sayaka face to face.

I cleared my throat and managed to make a sentence, "I did on the little television over there! But then stopped mid way to practice my piece."

She gave me a soft smile that would cause any fan of hers, like me,  to break down and squeal from happiness. Her expressions then changed into a thinking state, as if she was trying to remember something.

"I-is something wrong Sayaka?" I asked nervously.

"Ah!" She said as if she had finally remembered, "Isn't your performance next Akamatsu?"

Suddenly, my nerves started to build up again. I had totally forgotten I had to perform after Sayaka.

"Ha! Knock 'em dead Matsu!" Ibuki said as she once again patted my back.

I got up and made my way towards the stairs to the stage. Sayaka walked up to me and gave me one last word of encouragement before I heard my name being called.

"And for our next performance, our lovely ultimate pianist who had agreed to replace our original pianist, Kaede Akamatsu, will be performing Für Elise by Beethoven!"

I soon after walked up onto the stage, my long purple dress slowly following me from behind. The applause got louder and I heard random cheers in the audience. Once I got near my piano I bowed and took a glance into the crowd.

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