Chapter 10: Getting to Know Rantaro (Part 2)

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Tw: sexual assault

Kaede's POV:

I sat down on their couch as Rantaro made me some tea. As I waited I examined their house which was very old, but not old in a bad way there wasn't any spiderwebs or broken floorboards, what I meant is that the house structure they lived in isn't really that popular now a days. You take at least 3 steps inside the house and your already in the kitchen which is right next to the living room and right in between the two rooms is a staircase leading up to the bedroom I assume? Other then their interesting house structure, they had all kinds of beautiful antiques on display which were all of different sizes and a very nice fire place with pictures nicely displayed of  Rantaros family.

As I continued to examine the room, Rena and Soga quietly sat right next to me and started bombarding me with questions.

"When did u meet our big bro?"

"Where did u guys meet?!?"

"Did u guys kiss!"

"Do you like big bro for his looks or his personality? You better say personality because big bro is a good guy!"

I started getting a headache from all the questions his sisters were asking me. He should've warned me that I was going to get interviewed here. After hours, Rantaro finally came back from the kitchen with some tea and brownies.

The moment Rantaros sisters saw the brownies their eyes sparkled and almost simultaneously they said, "Yay brownie time!"

Rantaro laughed awkwardly at his sisters reactions.

"Don't eat too much okay you two?" He said while patting his sisters heads.

"Okay big bro!" Rena responded and shoved two brownies in her mouth.

'His relationship with his sisters is so adorable, Rantaro is such a sweet guy!" I thought to myself as I watched Rantaro's reaction to his sister shoving two brownies in her mouth.

Rantaro sighed and then stared at me. I stared at him. This went on for a good 10 minutes then he leaned in. I started to blush like crazy but there was this feeling that I felt, like it was telling me to get away from him. Suddenly his sister Rena started to cough.

"Ahem! Should Soga and Rena leave now? Is Rena and Soga interrupting kissing time?" Rena said as she smirked.

Rantaro looked at his sister then at me then blushed a little. I was also blushing but I was feeling sort of disgusted by these comments which was the first.

"J-just get out!" Rantaro yelled at Rena.

Rena laughed as she dragged Soga away from Rantaro. Before going up the stairs she stook her tounge out, did a fair flip and left.

Rantaro sighed and then went back to looking at me.

"What is it?" I said with a smile.

"Nothing just admiring your beauty," he responded nonchalantly.

I did blush but I didn't really like the comment he made. I'm used to guys attention but for some reason Rantaro was creeping me out. 'Maybe switch to a different topic?' I thought to myself.

"So, what do you like to do in your spare time? Or do you even have spare time?" I asked while looking around the messy house.

"Well I do like painting nails, it's a relaxing thing to do. Want me to paint yours?" He asked while he grabbed something from under the table.

"Sure!" I responded. 'Maybe this'll take my mind off of that creepy feeling' I thought to myself.

His eyes sparkled and whipped out the nail kit he was reaching for under the table. He started to speak rapidly.

"So what color do you like? I have purple, pink , teal, orange , black , white , red , hot pink, neon yellow, salmon pink, lavender , gray, green, pastel green- oh wait maybe not pastel green the bottles half empty. I also have yellow, pastel yellow , did I say pastel pur-"

"I'll have pastel yellow!" I responded.

"This was a new side of Rantaro that I have never seen before, I like this side of Rantaro it's very cute," I thought to myself

Rantaro smiled as he took my hand and got straight to painting. To be honest he was amazing at painting nails! I guess he paints his sisters nails often. After about 20 minutes he was done with both my hands. My nails looked amazing! He didn't only paint them yellow but added black music notes to them, it was so cute!

"Do you like them? I'm sorry if the notes didn't come out right," he said while rubbing the back of his head.

"They're amazing Rantaro! I love them!" I shouted.

For a moment there, Rantaro had shown a genuine happy smile. It was a very heartwarming smile. 'I'm kind of glad he's getting comfortable with me," I thought to myself.

Suddenly we locked eye contact, 'Should I?' I asked myself. Right when he started to lean in I gave him a hug. He was definitely not expecting that.

"I love this side of you Rantaro!" I stated as I hugged him.

He slowly wrapped his arms around me and hid his face from me. I knew he was blushing. We sat there in silence for a while, his arms still wrapped around my torso.

Suddenly he pushed away, his face still red as a tomato.

"Sorry was I hugging you to hard? I do that sometimes to my friends," I asked awkwardly.

Rantaro hid his red face with his hand and stared at me straight in the eyes. He started to speak, "Kaede listen I like you."

"W-what?" I answered confused. He liked me? Though I most probably was supposed to feel happy right about now, I really didn't. I've come to terms I don't like Rantaro like *that* and even though it might hurt him I need to tell him now.

"I'm sorry Rantaro, I.. I just don't- Well- I like someone else okay!" Oh shoot I wasn't supposed to say that- I thought Rantaro would handle my rejection calmly but to my surprise he didn't.

Rantaro was fuming and angrily answered "What?"

"What do you mean you don't like me?" He continued. "You like that Sherlock Holmes kid huh... well then.."

He got closer to me and that weird feeling was back again.

"No more Mr nice guy I guess. I'll make sure you like me."  He pinned me to the couch, making sure I couldn't move.

"Rantaro get off me!" I yelled but it was no use.

"You'll regret ever saying no my love~" he responded and soon after started to kiss me. I felt like throwing up. Unlike Shuichi's kiss this one, this one wasn't gentle all, it was forceful. I hate this. Please, get off me Rantaro, please.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

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