Chapter 12: Are we just friends?

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(This is a long chapter)

TW: murder

Kaedes POV:

It was dark for a moment, and then a scene appeared. I was walking to a huge cherry tree and who awaited me there was Shuichi. He looked nervous and shy but then he smiled at me and started to say something. Though I couldn't hear what he had said as if the audio of this scene was muted, I nodded my head and smiled with joy while I hugged him. Soon after it went dark again and a new scene appeared, this time Shuichi was on the floor impaled with a knife and a dark figure stood right behind his lifeless body. Then it went black again.

"SHUICHI!" I yelled as I woke up and sprung right out of bed.

"Oh thank god it was just a dream. It was a pretty disturbing one to say the least.."

I sighed and laid back down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. As I was about to cover myself in my bedsheets I felt a sort of jacket like material on my bed. I sat on my bed to see what it was and by my surprise it was Shuichi's jacket. Suddenly, memories of what happened yesterday came flooding back to me, it made me sick, I trusted Rantaro and this is how he pays me back? All of a sudden someone burst through my door.


"Oh yeah I'm fine granny no need to worry!"

She sighed in relief. "I know you had a pretty eventful weekend but just a reminder you have school today-" Oh! I totally forgot about school.

"Oh and how did your day go-" right before she was about to finish that sentence my grandmas eyes widened as she saw the jacket. Oh no..

" 'He's just friend' sure my sweet little pumpkin.."

"Grandma!" I yelled louder then I wanted to.

"I'm just joking around sweetheart but I have a question, how did the jacket even get here in the first place?"

There was only one answer to that question which I knew, Shuichi had saved me from Rantaro and most probably brought me back home after I fell asleep into his arms. But I can't tell my grandmother this, she'll ask what happened at Rantaro's house that made Shuichi have to carry me back home. Oh, what do I say!

"Well uh- he- uh- he- wow would you look at the time I need to get going or else I'll be late!" I grabbed Shuichi's jackets, my normal ultimate pianist outfit and headed straight for the bathroom.

I looked at the jacket then at my reflection in the mirror then back at the jacket. 'What if I try it on?' I thought. I picked it up and slowly opened it, putting one arm through one sleeve and the other arm through the other sleeve. I buttoned the black and dark grey stripped jacket and then looked at myself in the mirror, I liked the way it looked on me. The jacket smelled just like him, it smelt like old books and cologne. I didn't realize I was hugging myself but when I did I let go immediately and started to blush. I looked out the window of my small bathroom and was reminded by the sound of the birds chirping that I need to hurry up and get dressed or else I would be late for school. I took off the jacket still blushing and put on my normal outfit. As I was brushing my teeth I was thinking of a way to bring the jacket back to him. 'It would be funny if I just wore it and showed up to school like that, plus it doesn't mean anything if I wear it to school, it's not like we're dating or anything.' Right after I had thought that a memory of yesterday appeared in my mind, the moment when I rejected Rantaro's confession and said I liked someone else. Throughout that entire moment all I could think about was Shuichi.. I put my face in my hands blushing heavily and repeating the same thing over and over again.

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