Chapter 15: Suspicion

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Maki's POV:

I was casually walking to my locker to pick up my books for 3rd period. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Well other then the fact that I hadn't seen that little purple freak in ages, he usually comes to bother me after free time, wonder where he's at?

Anyways, with my boba drink in hand I took out some of my books for science which was basically just a notebook and a very thin pamphlet. I looked around for room 34C which was the laboratory. I know, I should probably know where this class is by now since I've been here since kindergarten but it's such a boring class that the location slips my mind. I've already learnt how to make poisons thanks to my job as an assassin, isn't that already enough science?

I looked around carefully and finally spotted the number. I noticed a yellow hair sticking out in the crowd of students as well and then it hit me, the laboratory is right across Kaedes locker how could I forget? 'It would be polite if I wave hi before entering,' I thought as I squeezed one of my ponytails.

I started to walk up to her locker and the closer I got the more I realized that she was talking to someone. I couldn't really make out who the other person was but they had bright green hair and two hairs sticking out so it was most probably Rantaro? Well their conversation wasn't going to stop me from saying hi.

I was about to wave hi to Kaede but something felt off about just waving hi and leaving. I don't know if it was because I felt impolite or if it was because of the scared expression on Kaedes face that made me want to stay with her. Well I mean I still have 5 minutes left till class, hanging around Kaede and Rantaro sure wouldn't hurt.

"Hi." I blurted out.

Kaede looked at me and just like that her panicked and scared expression turned into a joyful and relaxed one. What was with the scared expression in the first place?

Rantaro on the other hand hadn't noticed me yet. He had a very neutral expression, which was weird, this guys usually smiling and flirting with girls.

Once Kaede smiled at me, Rantaro turned to my direction and went back to his usual self.

"Oh Maki, I didn't see you there. Must be the work of your ultimate talent, you just sneak by without a sound."

I couldn't tell if this man was giving me a compliment or straight up trying to tell me to stop lurking in the shadows.

If it weren't for my high senses of my surroundings, I would've never realized that Kaede had quietly moved herself behind me. This is weird, she doesn't normally act like this around her other classmates.
Somethings definitely up and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

"Did I interrupt your conversation?"

I heard Kaede make a little noise, as if she was about to say something but then Rantaro cut her off.

"No, we weren't talking about anything. Don't stress your little pigtails about it!"

"Okay." I answered suspiciously.

"Oh would you look at the time Rantaro! I better be heading to class!"

Kaede swiftly walked away from me and Rantaro. I gazed back at Rantaro, giving him my famous "You're annoying me and I'm going to kill you" stare. He put his hands on his waist and bent down so we could be eye to eye.

"Maki, listen here I don't want to be on your bad side, since you're an assassin and all so please believe me when I say nothing is going on. Now goodbye~"

Rantaro slowly walked away with one of his hands in his pocket. I couldn't help but notice the back of a picture and the lens of a camera sticking out of his other pocket. 'What the fuck? Somethings definitely going on here.' I thought to myself.

I headed to class and sat down at my seat. I needed to get to the bottom of this and the only person who I could think would know some stuff is Kaito. Right when I opened the message app I paused and thought, 'His behaviour sure is strange but the camera isn't really that suspicious. It could just be a a normal camera and a photo. I'll leave out that information, it's probably not important anyways.' I started to type,


Maki: Kaito we need to talk at lunch.

Astronaut is typing...

♡Astronaut♡: oh hi maki roll! This is the first time you're the one inviting me to lunch! Finally developed a soft spot for me huh? ;)

Maki is typing...

Maki: shut up. Just meet me at the cafeteria unless you wanna die!

Astronaut is typing...

♡Astronaut♡: fine fine! Kaito Momota Luminary of the Stars will be there for Miss Ultimate Assasin :)

Maki is typing...

Maki: K

I closed my phone and looked out the window. I will get to the bottom of whatever is going on, for Kaedes sake.

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