Bonus Chapter: Riddle me this Batman

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Kaito's POV:

I had awakened in a new world, nothing around me looked like earth but, it was all so similar, like I've seen this place before somewhere. Suddenly, the bright sunlight was blocked by someone.

"Kaito? You alright?"

I rubbed my eyes and noticed it was Shuichi- just that he wasn't in his boring blue detective get up. He was wearing a black and yellow cape, a black mask that only covered his eyes, a red shirt that was- little tight, it had the letter R written on it. The shirt also consisted of green sleeves and a little lower I noticed a yellow belt  attached to his waist. He also worse some green tights with blue boots. Suddenly, a lightbulb went on in my brain. I gasped loudly and looked at Shuichi in excitement. Shuichi looked confused.

"Kaito is everything alright?"

"Shuichi do you have a mirror on you?"

"No but I do have my phone-"

"GIVE IT TO ME!" I yelled.

He looked scared and quickly took out his phone. I grabbed it and pressed on the camera app. Soon after my questions had been answered. I was wearing a black mask, a black cape, a black body suit with a bat design right smack in the middle of my chest and a yellow belt.


Shuichi looked at me confused.

"Yeah- you are Batman- and I am Robin. Didn't you already know this?"

I was confused then it clicked, "Oh he doesn't want to break character got it."

"So my sidekick Shuichi, any missions for today?" I said in my best Batman voice.

"Are you sick Kaito- anyways we received Riddlers location in a warehouse not to far from here. Let's hurry." And with that Shuichi- I mean Robin started to run straight to that location.

"Riddlers here?" I thought to myself. "Oo I can't wait to see who's playing Riddler!"

~*~Some time later~*~

We finally arrived to our destination, Shuichi and I investigated the place as best as we could.

"Seems like there's no sign of him" I said again in my best Batman impression.

"Dude are you sure you're not sick? Anyways, I found this."

He moved some boxes and pointed to a computer that was hidden behind them. I walked to it and turned it on, suddenly Riddler appeared, or should I say Kokichi appeared.

"Kokichi really? You're riddler."

Kokichi suddenly became shocked.

"How does Batman know my identity? This is impossible."

"Shoot I wasn't supposed to say that," I thought.

Kokichi sighed, "Well knowning my identity won't make finding me and stopping me quicker, Batman and my sweet, lovely, sexy motorcycle Robin-  Oh Robin I don't  understand why you're still stuck with that moron. I can treat you better you know~"

Shuichi looked disgusted and uncomfortable and not gonna lie so was I.

"Cut to the chase Riddler, aren't you supposed to give me a riddle? I mean it's in you're name."

"Jeez Batman are you sick?"

"Why does everyone keep thinking I'm sick!"

"Anyways, I'll only say the riddle once the hottie over here begs me to."

Shuichi looked like he was going to vomit soon. I put my hand on his shoulder and said "Hero's gotta do what Hero's gotta do."

Shuichi nodded then sighed. "Oh Riddler, please I beg of you tell us your riddle."

Kokichi laughed as Shuichi looked to the floor in disappointment.

"Anyways I'll begin."

Kokichi cleared his throat and said,

"Riddle me this Batman. What is long and hard and has the word CUM in the middle."

"A Penis" It was the only thing I could think of. Shuichi became red, seems like he was also thinking the same word

Kokichi started yelling,


He started laughing and right when I was about to punch the screen my vision went black. I opened my eyes again and it looked like I was back safe in my room.

"Aw I'm not Batman anymore," I said to myself.

"You never were my friend." I jumped at the sight of Kokichi standing right next to my bed.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?" I said mortified.

"I broke the handle and opened your door. Are you not happy to see me Kaito... that hurts."

He then yelled, "JUST KIDDING THATS A LIE!" and soon after I punched him in the face since I couldn't do that in my dream.

He was out on the floor and I looked at my fist. "Next time don't give me a dumb riddle , Kokichi"

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