Chapter 41: A Chaotic Duo

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Kokichi's POV:

I woke up this morning, stretched and went "Today, needs chaos!"

I jumped out of bed and happily walked to the kitchen humming a random tune I made up. I opened the fridge and grabbed myself a whole litre of Coca Cola. I slowly closed the fridge door and looked around.

"Okayyyyy no one's up yet, goooood" I said whispering, chuckling sinisterly.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing you fucking midget," a voiced said from behind me.

I jumped and almost es dropped the soda that was in my hand. "Miuuuu! My favourite person in the world is that you!?" I said with a happy smile on my face.

"I'm ya favourite person in the world?"

My smile turned into a smirk "nah, that was just a lie! I'd never like a slut like you!" I said sticking out my tongue.

"Tsk, anyways what ya doing with that bottle?"

"I'm planning on drinking it all in one chug!"

"Damn little guy you really gonna drink all that!"

"Of courseeee notttt!" I said in an exaggerated tone. "Im planning on putting mentos in it and convincing a half asleep himbo that it's a rocket ship so then when he gets closer I'll take off the lid and it'll go everywhereeeee!"

"Oh so like a cu-"

I put my finger over her mouth, "shhhhhh we don't need any unintelligent comments. Anyways wanna help?"

She smirked, "Fuck ya I wanna! We should also prank someone else after."

I smirked menacingly, "You think I was just gonna stop at Kaito?"

Suddenly we heard footsteps coming from the stairs and averted our attention to the staircase. It was a sleepy avocado.

"Rantarooo wanna join u-"

Suddenly his expression changed into a traumatized one. His eyes were focused on Miu. Oh my god if only I had a camera right now!

Miu noticed his gaze and smirked, "You staring pretty hard there Rantaro, you staring at something in particular~"

Rantaro looked panicked and started walking backwards up the stairs, "The scene, it's coming back into my brain... no- no go away... go away!" He yelled running back into his room and shutting the door.

"What's that 'bout?" Miu asked

"Dunno, don't care cmon let get to Kaito's room!"

We walked up the stairs and  slowly opened the door to Kaito—- and Maki's room??

"Oh shit seems like she's here too," Miu stated.

"Follow my lead" I whispered to Miu.

We entered the room casually waving hi at maki with smirks on our face. She rolled her eyes, "Whatever you two are planning leave me out of it." She soon after stormed out of the room and I sighed in relief.

"See this is why you follow my lead! I am the ultimate supreme leader after all." I said proudly.

We quietly approached Kaito's bed. In it was a sound asleep Kaito who probably wouldn't wake even if there was an earthquake outside. I put the mentos in the bottle and quickly put the tap on. I passed the bottle to Miu, "Here hold on to this and don't open it until Kaito's face gets reallllll close to it." Miu nodded and I started to gently shake Kaito.

"Heyyyy Kaitooo, wake up sleepy head I have a surprise for you~"

"Mom?" He said sleepily.

"Look it's a rocket ship!" I gestured Miu to put the soda bottle closer to his face.

"A rocket ship?" Kaito said rubbing his eyes and moving his face closer to it.

Once it was inches away from the bottle I yelled "NOW!" Miu took of the lid and the soda went everywhere in his face. Kaito was now fully awake.


Miu and I died of laughter as we left the room. I told Miu to wait a moment and stuck out my foot near his doorway, waiting for him to step out. Once he did, he tripped over my leg and fell face first into the floor. This guy was too easy to prank!

He got up and mumbled angrily to himself as he walked towards the bathroom. I turned to Miu and put out my hand waiting for a high five. She reciprocated the high five and we both yelled "WOO!"

"That was just the start of todays pranks" I commented with a cheeky smile.

"Let the fun fucking begin!"

The day went on Miu and I pranked each one of these suckers. First we pranked Rantaro who was already
easy, every time he even LOOKED at Miu he would run the opposite direction, I mean like who wouldn't?

Then with Kiibo, Miu installed a coffee dispenser right next to the soda dispenser, I've never seen that robot so angry before! Hilarious!

We like trieddddd to prank Sayaka but her depressed girlfriend wouldn't let us. She's like scarier then Harukawa.... Just kiddinggg I just didn't feel like fighting a soldier over my summer vacay.

Then we went on to Maki, right before she went for her morning jog Miu and I replaced her water with mustard. She's currently running right now we are awaiting results.

Lastly we pranked Kaede with a fake message. We made an anonymous account on Insta and we dmed her saying "We have been trying to contact you about your cars extended warranty." Miu and I got suspicious when she didn't answer so we tried sending another dm just to find out that she blocked us! I'm hurt.... Really it's like a stab through the heart... that's just a lie I didn't really care and started laughing.

We got a bit sidetracked and just started scrolling through random social media apps. Well- Miu started scrolling through social media apps, I on the other hand was watching videos of old people falling over.

Suddenly, Miu frantically tapped my shoulder,

"What do you want? Found a guy we can both obsess over?"

"Nah, but who's this chick Kaedes fuck boy with?"

I grabbed her phone and observed the photo my future husband- I mean Shuichi had posted on his story.

"Girl, that's Tsumugi, she was in our home room for like the entire year? Are you that stupid? Oh yeah that's right the memory part of you brain was traded for your huge ass tits."

"Not my fault, not like she really stood out." Miu commented in an annoyed tone. She went back to scrolling through more of peoples posts and just random videos.

I continued to watch the cat videos on my iPad but a thought had crossed my mind, that pairing is a bit random isn't it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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