Chapter 32: The Last day Before Summer Break (Part 3)

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Makis POV:

I quickly dashed to my locker to get my books for second period since I forgot to take them with me. I've always hated grabbing first period books then having to rush to get my second period books, like why stress yourself out if you could just grab both of them before first period so then when second period arrives you could just walk straight there?

I signed as I finally opened my locker after 3 tries, I examined my locker, trying to find my history book. My locker wasn't exactly the most organized thing, I just threw my books in there after my classes were over so it was a real mess. I had finally found the red book labeled "History" and slammed my locker closed. I now had 1 minute to get to my class on the second floor. Now, a normal person would start running to their classroom, but with my assassin skills they really come in handy when having to enter class late without being caught.

I calmly walked up the stairs as I saw Shuichi trying to run—- well if you even count what he was doing as running, up the stairs. He was so pale by the time he got to the second floor, I thought he had turned into a ghost. I mean he isn't exactly the sporty type, so it's kind of explainable why his cardio is so low.

Unlike me, Shuichi managed to get to history class before the bell. And as I said before, it didn't really matter because the teacher won't notice when I enter anyways. As I entered and sat on my seat, I already had a bunch of "when did you get here?" questions like always. But what surprised me was what my "history" teacher had said.

"You're late Miss Harukawa" she said staring directly at me.

My classmates (including me) were flabbergasted as to how she had known when I had stepped into class. I examined her appearance, ginger hair tied in a pony tail and a pastel blue maids outfit. I've seen this lady before, it was that director at the concert for the spring festival.

"Miss Chisa? You aren't my history teacher?" I said confused.

"You are correct! I am just a replacement since your teacher is badly sick at the moment." She said smiling, but soon her expression changed into a serious one.

"So will you go and get a late slip? Or will I have to give you detention."

This was the first time in a while that I was scared of someone. I nodded and quickly got up and made my way to the office.

After I had received the late slip, I saw a familiar spiky haired boy in the hallway. He had seen me and was now charging at me at full speed. I was debating if I should run or accept my fate. I decided to accept my fate.

He had stopped 2 centimetre in front of me. I had my hands up in the air, hoping to shield me from the impact. When I noticed he had stopped, I slowly put them down and he flicked me on the forehead.

"Hello Kaito," I said with a smile as I rubbed the place he flicked me.

"Maki roll! Like the new cut!" He said pointing to it with pride.

"Not to ruin your ego, but it looks the exact same as before."

He flinched at the comment and I could've sworn I saw a tear slide down his cheek. I giggled a bit then I remembered I still had history class with that crazy teacher.

"Sorry Kaito, gotta go. " I said with a half smile as I waved goodbye.

As I walked up the stairs towards my class, I heard two voices coming from the girls bathroom. I don't know what compelled me to enter but I just did, and once I did my eyes had widened.

Leon and Kaede were making out in the bathroom.

Was I hallucinating?

I examined them a bit longer, that for sure was the red haired baseball star and the girl in front of him was my blonde best friend Kaede. The only thing weird was how Kaedes exposed arm had a huge rash on it. There was no sign that showed they were puppets. So this wasn't a prank? I fumed with anger as I slammed the bathroom shut.

I made my way back to the classroom and slammed my late slip on my teachers desk. She didn't even flinch, that was surprising. I sat back down at my seat, I texted Kaede (as if she was going to see it right now)  "Meet me at my research lab after period 2 is done." She was going to hear it from me.

Current time: 9:45
Time left: 5 hours

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