Chapter 3: Jealousy (Part 1)

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Shuichi's POV:

I waved bye to Kaede and walked to my class. I had this weird feeling that someone was watching me and Kaede's conversation, I pushed that feeling aside and continued walking. Once I got to class, I met up with him.

"Well isn't it mister Saihara." Rantaro looked at me with annoyed and mad expression. He then whispered in my ear,

"I'm going to make you life here a living hell~" A chill went down my spine as he walked away from me.

'What does he want for me?' I thought, then I entered the classroom and took a seat, Rantaro sat right behind me of course he did.

The teacher entered and the class begun, it was all normal class, all we had to do was read. Mid way through the period I started to hear snickering behind me which was coming from Rantaro and the two other guys sitting from each side of him.

"What's so funny?" I asked trying not to speak so loud so the teacher couldn't hear me. They just kept laughing. As I turned around I saw Rantaro's facial expression turn into a smirk.

'Why is he...' I looked to the front, the teacher was standing right in front of my desk.

"So Mister Saihara, care to share with the class what you we're discussing with our A+ student mister Amami?"

I looked away from the teacher and lowered my cap in embarrassment.

"N-no sir," I could feel Rantaro's glare from behind me.

"I'll let you off easy this time Mister Saihara since it's your first day here but, another slip up and it's detention, got that?"

I nodded in agreement and the teacher walked away. While the teachers back was turned I looked over at Amami, his smirk just grew bigger. Thankfully the bell rang, I ran out of there straight to my locker. Surprisingly I saw Kaito, Kiibo and Kokichi standing next to my locker. 'Were they waiting for me?... Oh no did Rantaro put them up to this...' I though as I walked to my locker. Kaito spotted me and waved hello.

"Hi K-kaito, what brings you three here?" I asked a bit suspicious of their intentions.

"Kaito thought it was a smart idea to become friends with you and so did Kiibo, I just came with to see these losers Fail at making friends with you." Kokichi stated.

"Hey ! Don't lie Ouma! You were the one that convinced us to become friends with h-" Kokichi covered Kaito's mouth before he could finish his sentence.

"Hey!!!!" Kokichi whined, "Don't lie to the detective that my job!!!"

"I'm not lying!" Kaito muffled  under Kokichi's hand. Kiibo looked at them in disappointment then looked at me.

"Kaito, Kokichi and I are inviting you to come to the movie's with us tomorrow at 7 in the afternoon since it's a Saturday and we're assuming your free?" That was a bit harsh but he was right I didn't really have anything to do there wasn't really a reason to decline the offer..

"O-okay I'll come with you t-three tomorrow but, do you g-guys mind if I invite Kaede since she's the only p-person I'm comfortable w-with so far." I asked while pulling down my cap.

"Dude really? Inviting a chick to a guys only night? That's breaking the bro code dude! No you cannot bring Kae-" Kokichi put his hand over Kaito's mouth again. Kokichi gave Kaito a look to shut up and then Kiibo took the lead again.

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