Chapter 31: The Last day Before Summer Break (Part 2)

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Shuichi's POV:

Every morning before first period, I always love to hang out at the library. The quiet atmosphere and massive amount of books is very relaxing, well it's relaxing when I'm alone. I don't like hearing peoples voices first thing in the morning and Kaito reading his space books out loud isn't really what I like to call peaceful. Thank goodness he's coming in later today. Though, there is one voice I don't mind. The voice with a soft tune, the voice that has a hint of cheerfulness. Even though she speaks while I read, I wouldn't mind listening to her all day in the library if I could.

"There you are Shuichi!"

I turned to the direction of the voice I was waiting for. Here she was, my sunshine Kaede Akamatsu.

"Kaito's not here today?" She asked as she put down her bag and sat down in the chair next of me. She grabbed my hand and stared at me smiling, I went red.

"N-no, he has a haircut appointment today, you think he'll finally get rid of the spikes?"

"He's had that haircut since his first year here, I don't think he ever will even if Maki tries to convince him."

"I'll have to keep wearing a helmet when hugging him then?"

"Yup! And don't forget some gloves so you don't accidentally prick your finger on his hair!"

We both laughed, I love having these little jokes with her. Suddenly, our laughing fest was interrupted by a DING coming from Kaedes phone. She read the message and sighed as she rubbed her forehead.

"Leon wants me to move practice to today and not after our trip, how am I supposed to pack my things in such a short amount of time."

"This is why you pack b-before" I commented jokingly.

"Wellll procrastination is my middle name." She said as she stuck her tongue out.

I let out a small chuckle. As she was replying, she suddenly remembered something and quickly turned to me, a bit nervous.

"Rantaro texted me," she started.

"What did he do-" I commented with a serious tone but was quickly interrupted.

"Nothing! Don't worry, he just asked if he could join our trip."

Rantaro? Join our trip? Has Kaede gone crazy, does she not remember what has happened to her? I was going to reply and was again interrupted by Kaede.

"I know it's not a smart idea, but how else will I be able to forgive him if I don't hang out with him? Plus, he'll be in the house next door so we'll be fine!"

I sighed, that was a good point. "Fine, but if he does anything I'm shipping him to the United States."

"Alright!" She replied with a little giggle.

I smiled, she's too nice for this world.

Suddenly the first bell rang. Kaede and I looked at each other shocked, I quickly checked my watch and it was 8:05. Our eyes widened and we quickly ran to our class.

We managed to make it 10 seconds before the bell, and quickly sat down at our seats.

"Today is the last day before summer break," the teacher started, "even though it has the name break in it doesn't mean you guys won't get over the summer work. So please open your books to page 81 and I will begin reading."

"But I don't want to do workkk" said a voice coming from the other side of the room.

"Mr Ouma, you can't keep lazying around your entire life-"

"Yes I can" he answered as he snapped his fingers.

I turned to Kaede who was trying with all her might to hold in her laugh.

The teacher fixed his glasses and tried to ignore Kokichi which was impossible. When it was his turn to read he would purposely mispronounce all the words in the text, which would only anger the teacher more.

"I have to deal with this guy during the summer" I said quietly to myself, regretting my life choices.

I decided to look at him for a few seconds, he some how managed to catch my glance and winked at me as he blew me a kiss. I was there shocked and then turned to Kaede who was silently dying of laughter.

"MR OUMA!" The teacher yelled. "If you do not focus on this lesson you will be starting your summer vacation with detention!"

"Ughhh fineeee you're no fun!" Kokichi whined as he crossed his arms and pouted.

"Alright then, can the next person read?" The teacher continued.

I spaced out as the rest of the people read. Tomorrow, and the day after that and the day right after that I would be seeing Kaede everyday and every morning for more then half the summer. I smiled at the thought, seeing her beautiful vibrant self every morning is as amazing as getting breakfast in bed.

"Alright," the teacher said closing her book. "You may have free time for the rest of the period. Notes will be emailed to you all."

1 second after the teacher had said that, the room was filled with the sound of chatter. Tsumugi came up to me and grabbed a chair.

"Hi Shu!" she said smiling.

"H-hi Tsumugi." I said half smiling as I glanced at my watch. It was now 9:30, 7 more minutes till the bell rings.

"I was wondering, what's you're opinion on this suit, like I know it's kind of bland but it would go well with a certain character. Also I find the colours- " Tsumugi continued but all I could focus on was Kaede. She was very popular, multiple people at once came up to her and started talking to her once the teacher had said it was free time.

There was a sudden knock on the classroom door, which made everyone's gaze focus onto the door. The guy standing outside was Leon.

"Mr Kuwata, I have you last period I don't need to see your face right now."

"I know that teach, I just want to borrow someone from you real quick." He answered with a smile.

The teacher looked at him annoyed, "You're lucky I'm not calling your first period teacher here to come drag you back to class. Anyways, who do you need?"

"That blonde chick over there" he pointed to Kaede.

The teacher looked at her and nodded, Kaede nodded back. She got up and smiled as she walked near the door and they disappeared from my view. I didn't think anything of it until I heard a group of girls behind me snickering,

"They must be dating in secret, this is the 5th time now that he's done this." said one of the girls.

"They're so cute together." said the other one.

"So much better then her current boyfriend." said another one.

They all burst out laughing as I grit my teeth in anger. Tsumugi noticed and put her hand on my shoulder. "Don't listen to them, okay? You know Kaede, she would never do that." she said as she smiled at me, which made me smile back.

She's right I shouldn't listen to them, I know Kaede more then those three do. Suddenly the bell rang and it was time for second period.

Current time: 9:37 am
Time left: 5 hours and 8 minutes

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