Chapter 6: What is this feeling?

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Kaede's POV:

  I stood there in the theatre watching Rantaro leave like an idiot. I tried to think of what just happened, then it hit me.

"R-Rantaro k-kissed me? Did that really just happen?!?"

I think I said that too loud because everyone in the theatre started looking at me like I was crazy.

As I replayed that scene over and over again in my head, I had a strange feeling of guilt in my stomach, I don't understand why. I left the movie theatre, blushing like crazy and entered Shuichi's car. I looked at him and he looked at me then looked away. There was that sudden feeling of guilt again. The car ride was silent, we didn't really talk that much on the way to my house as we did on the way to the theatre. We finally got to my house, as I was about to leave the car, Shuichi grabbed my shoulder.


He leaned in closer. Butterflies formed in my stomach and my face started to heat up.


"I'm sorry.."

He kissed me. His lips were so soft, the touch of his lips made me... happy. He pulled away and looked at me in embarrassment. We stared at each other, not knowing what to say. I broke the ice.

"W-well my grandmother must be waiting.. it was fun hanging out with you Shuichi."

"Y-you to, g-goodbye Kaede, s-sleep well."

I smiled and exited the car. I walked into the house and there was my grandma, peaking out the window again.

"They say if you peak out the window long enough your greatest desires will appear right before your eyes."

"Yes yes, and they sure did, I saw the whole thing Kaede, and don't worry I won't tell your parents about it." She winked at me. I nodded and gave her a hug before i went up the stairs to my room.

Once I got to my room I jumped onto my bed and started to text in the group chat what just happened.

Miu :Well well, it seems like Kaede had a fun night today~ What's next ~ the freaky shit?~

Kirumi : Miu, respect Kaede's love life please, if she wants to give more information about what happened tonight then she will.

Maki : Miu, I SWEAR TO GOD if I wasn't on the other side of my phone I would've thrown you across the room.

Kaede : Maki, that went little overboard-

Maki : i don't care.

Kirumi : we should all be getting some rest, it is getting very late. If I see one notification from this group chat during the night, believe me when I say this. The next time we see each other I'll be an angry "mom".

Kaede : I- I think that's a warning for us to go- well goodnight everyone.

Maki : goodnight

Miu : see ya' later fuckers!

Kirumi : Miu! Language! Goodnight everyone.

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