Chapter 33: The Last Day Before Summer Break (Part 4)

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Kaedes POV:

"I hate gym!" I said out loud to Miu who was sitting right next to me on the bleachers.

"True that titless, nothing worse then seeing 16 year old guys fighting like two year olds am I right?" Miu responded, but she soon burst out laughing, "But to be honest it's fucking hilarious how pathetic they are!" Her laugh echoed throughout the entire gym and I just sighed as I watched the guys play a match of basketball.

Gym is my least favourite subject, there's no point in doing it! If I want to workout I'll do it on my own time without being graded on it! Not only that but our teacher takes away our phones each time we have gym, so we're basically forced to play something. Smart, but also very annoying.

It also makes me insecure.. I'm not exactly the sporty type — so seeing all these thin model-like girls being able to run around for as long as they can.. isn't the most motivating thing for me.

That's when it hit me, I'll have to wear a bathing suit in front of Shuichi- I can't let him see me with that on..

"Maybe I should just cancel the trip" I said out loud on accident.

Miu turned to me as if she'd seen a ghost.

"Bitch! You are not cancelling last fucking minute! I did not spend 20 fucking hours finding a 12 cute little bathing suits for nothing!"

I turned red in embarrassment, I didn't mean to say that out loud. Now I had to deal with an angry Miu.

"Well at least the bathing suits you have will look good on you.." I murmured sadly.

Miu caught me by surprised and started shaking me.


I tried talking while my head went back and forth violently. "I mean I don't have the body for swim suits like other people so it won't look nice on me. Now can you stop my heads going to snap off at this point."

She stopped and this time she cupped my cheeks.


"Otay" I said as she squished my cheeks with her fingers. This was very surprising coming from Miu. If someone were to tell me she'd be complimenting me today two years ago, I would've laughed in your face.

"Anyways," Miu said as she pulled her hand away from my cheeks. "Wanna see my new sexy bathing suits."

"Miu we don't even have our phones" I responded. Welp, supportive Miu came and went, bimbo Miu is back now.

Suddenly yelling was heard in the distance, it was coming from the basketball match. I turned my attention to them and sighed, like every gym class the guys have to get into some idiotic argument. Last class it was about uneven teams now I think it's about the scoring. The people who were arguing seemed like upperclassmen so I didn't really care that much for what they were arguing about. Rantaro, who was also part of the game, slowly sneaked away as to not be involved into the mess that was unfolding. Once he was far enough he made his way towards me, he waved and jogged his way in my direction.

"Hey Akamatsu!" Rantaro said with a lovely smile.

I smiled back. Rantaro sat down right next to me and I became uncomfortable. He noticed and casually scooted away. Seems like I'm not ready for us to be sitting right next to each other yet.

Now that we were at a reasonable distance, Rantaro began to talk "So about summer vacation-"

I interrupted him on accident, "Oh yeah! Be sure to pack a swimsuit since we'll be at the beach almost everyday. The trip lasts almost the entire summer, we leave a week right before school starts. Uh- oh yeah! There will be two beach houses, you'll be in the second one with the rest of our friends!"

Rantaro nodded as he listened to everything I was saying. He wasn't disagreeing with any of our plans and was very understanding, unlike Kokichi. It was a pain trying to get a 2 months supplies of  grape Fanta for only him, jeez who knew he could get even more bratty then he already is?

After I was done explaining the plan to Rantaro, Miu decided to but in and add  "No sneaking into they're house you fucking avocado, you don't know what they'll be up too in there."

She smirked as I turned red and pushed her face away from us. Rantaro laughed awkwardly and then stopped, he looked a bit worried.

"Rantaro is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah everything's fine, I just hope that my sister will be able to take care of the younger ones."

"Arai is more then capable then taking care of them, have a little faith in her." I smiled as I put my hand on his shoulder. His gaze was fixated on my hand and his eyes widened. A tiny smile formed on his face and then he shifted his gaze back to me.

"You're right Akamatsu, but I'll still call them everyday to see how things are going."

"Alright helicopter mom," I responded jokingly, we both started to laugh a bit.

Someone in the distance called out Rantaro's name and he waved goodbye as he ran off towards them. Once Rantaro was far enough Miu put her head on my shoulder and went "You see what I mean by how everyone wants to get with you?"

As she laughed like an animal I pushed her head away in embarrassment again. Miu is one of the people who had no clue what had happened between Rantaro and I so I excuse the inappropriate jokes she makes of us two.

Suddenly the bell rings and I hear all the guys sigh in unison. The gym teacher came up to them and from what I heard they're allowed to finish they're game up till free time is over. The guys all started to give each other high fives, guys sure are weird.

I ran to the locker room and quickly got changed, once I existed I went to my gym teacher who was handing our phones back right in front of the entrance door. I took mine and noticed that there was a notification from Maki. I opened my phone to see what she had sent, the message read "Meet me at my research lab after period 2 is done."

Maki never wants anyone meeting in her research lab for fun. I wonder what's up?

Current time: 10:58
Time remaining: 3 hours and 47 minutes

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