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It was the mid night when I heard the creaking sound of the door, My conciousness took place as I watched the clock next to the side table.


Is there anyone try to come in my bedroom right now??

Yeontan?? No, He's not human to twist the knob.

Hoseok?? No, He's surely in his sleep.

Jimin? Impossible!!

Jin?? Yes It can be.

Kim Taehyung? Uhm, I don't know.

I stayed silent as the guy came next to me and sit on the bed edge.

Is he trying to kill me??

His breath can over my head as He leaned over my face.

I couldn't control but clenched my fist in ball. How he dare to come this close of me??

I was thinking that same thing as I can feel his Breths are now uneven and his warm breaths are fanning over my face directly.

I think He's really close!! What can I do now!! Punch him, Kick him or Stab him??

His lips almost reached on mine as I pushed him back and He fall on the floor with the little sound.

"Ouch!!" He stood and watched my face carefully and Through darkness I can feel His eyes are now big and He had been caught on his act.

I wanted to scold him but he ran away immidiately from the spot and I can't bear it but I tried to chase him but he Suddenly vanished in the big mansion somewhere.

Oh My God!! Is He really came to Kis-

No No!! From now on, I'm going to lock the door safely, I'm so Stupid Dumbo Yn!! How my mind not work after the incident of dinning table.

I'll be careful from next time, I don't wanna be act like dumbass anyway.


In the morning, my eyes open and I go to freshen myself.

After that.

I reach downstairs and watch Nobody is present right now so Walk outside of the mansion.

I'm walking straight at the garden which is really huge and Green. As I was walking I heard some Sounds coming from the bushes.

I reached their and after thinking 2 more seconds, I immidiately peep into it and I watched The Bunny face Guy lying on the Grass Peacefully sleeping.

He looks Cute while sleeping.


But wait!?? How he came inside the Boundary if there's no way he jump from that.

Is He came Yesterday for some reason and slept here after?? If I accept this theory then why he didn't came inside of the mansion, and prefer to sleep here??

"Cherry, You saw me here sleeping!!?" He Suddenly awoke and his cheek changed a bit color of pink.

"Uhm- Yeah, Good Morning" I said Watching the sky awkwardly.

"You too, Btw You'd done some makeup on your face this Morning?? " she doubted.

"No!! I prefer makeup but just in some locations- Why you ask" I smiled between confusion and no reason embarrassment.

"Because how any girl can look pretty after just awaking from the bed in the morning" He smirked.

He stood and by dusting his Jeans, He chase me inside the mansion.

"Where's Kim Taehyung??" Jungkook asked while watching my hair while giving me bunny smile.

"Uhm-I don't know, Supposing on his bedroom" I brushed my hairs by fingers.

"Oh, Uhm-You want to go with me in my University today" He asked carefully while rubbing his neck.

"I have to ask Taehyung, He's my Owner so-" I don't know it sounds weird but it's true.

"Don't ask him, He definitely not allow you to come with me as he think that You've to stay inside the boring and huge mansion for rest of the life" He told me.

"But if he thought to-"

"No excuses, You're coming with me, I'mgoingtoask him when he'll be awake"

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