Day 30

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This morning, when Mina wakes up, Chaeyoung's hand was still on her waist. She was surprised at first, but then she remembered that last night she told him to stay in this position.

Mina held his warm hand and caressed it with her thumb. Too much information, their palms are about the same size. Chaeyoung's hands are small compared to other guy's hand. She loves the way they would perfectly fit on each other when they're holding hands.

After a while, Mina proceeded to turn her back to face Chaeyoung. All the emotional things that she said last night came back to her mind. Every time she thought about their unfair love story, her mood went down drastically.

"Chaeyoung-ah.. wake up" she said softly while tapping his cheek.

Chaeyoung just groaned, he hasn't gained full consciousness yet.

"Five minutes more.." he mumbled.

She found that was really cute and decided to let him sleep more. "Maybe he's still sleepy," she thought.

"Okay, just five minutes more okay?" Mina cooed.


From this distance, Mina could hear his breath that brushing softly on her skin. He looked so peaceful, and it never fails to fascinate her.

Her lips curled up, how much she wishes that she could stay in this moment forever.


After five or six minutes later, Chaeyoung was slowly gaining his consciousness. He opened his eyes that soon met Mina's eyes who was softly staring at him.

He warmly smiled at her, "Good morning Mina"

"Morning too sleepyhead~ Did you have a nice sleep?" she answered with her usual angelic voice.

"Since when I'm a sleepyhead? That's your title" he chuckled and she laughed as well.

Mina admitted it. Sleeping was the best way for her to get away from the stress back then, but since Chaeyoung came into her life, she wanted to wake up longer than everyone does.

"I had a nice sleep, how about you? Are you feeling better?"

She nodded. "I'm totally okay now. Thank you for making me warmer with your hug. I slept well."

Chaeyoung's ears instantly turned red. He turned his body to face the ceiling.

"I-i think I fell asleep last night." He lied. We all know, that wasn't the truth. Chaeyoung came back from writing the journal and purposely embraced her.

"Was my arm heavy?"

"Not at all, your hug is comfortable"

"Is... that so..?"

"Hmm." She nodded. "Now, let's get up." Mina said as she sat up on the bed.

"We don't have much time left to have fun,"

"Do you have any plan for today? He asked, but Mina shook her head.

"Sometimes a day without plan sounds better"

Chaeyoung placed his hands behind his head, "You're right"

After all, it was just "one fine last day", having no plan at all won't be hurt.


"I will cook the breakfast!" Mina said as she went into a prone position while cupping her face, facing towards him.

The younger instantly smiled. Looking at her face is enough to lift the corner of his lips.

"Really? But we're out of ingredients right?"

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