Special QnA Chapter with the cast!

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AN : "Hi everyone! It's me crispypotatochipss! You must be surprised with this sudden update right? Actually, this is not an update, this is a QnA chapter with some cast of this story!!"

AN : "Here in front of me, there are two beautiful girls and three boys, can you please introduce yourself guys..?"

CY : "Hi! I'm Chaeyoung" *bows*

MN : "Hello, I'm Mina" *elegantly bows*

DH: "I'm DoHyun, nice too meet you readers~" *90 degrees bows*

JH : "Hi I'm Joohee" *polite bows*

KW : "Hi I'm Kyungwan, the most handsome character in this story" *v pose*

CY : *furrowed his brows* "What was that?"

AN : "Okay, so.. how are you guys doing? I'm very happy that all of you could join the QnA event today"

DH : "We're doing good lately, and it's also an honor for us to join this event,"

CY : "That's right.. it has been a while since the last time we gather up like this"

KW : "Let's gather again sometimes,"

CY : "I can't, this story is still ongoing. I'm busy"

KW : "Let's wait until Chaeyoung and Mina finished this story then"

JH : "That would be too long"

DH : "No, we only have 2 chapters left, the author will make it fast, right author-nim??"

AN : "Well, I'll try to finish this as soon as possible, please cheer for me"

DH : "Of course, we will always support you.  We're a team!"

AN : "Thank you Do Hyun-ssi. So, are you guys ready to answer some questions I prepared for you?"

Everyone : "Ne!"

AN : "Okay! Let's move to the real session now!"

- QnA Session -

First Question : What is your most favorite chapter from the story?

DH : "Who's gonna answer it first?"

CY : "You can go first Hyun"

DH :"For me, it's Day 20, Chaeyoung's fighting scene. Though I'm not sure Chaeyoung could really punch someone in real life. He's too kind for that."

JH : *nods* Agree.

MN : "I like the chapter where Chaeyoung asked me to watch the sunrise for the first time. Then we did gardening together, I forgot which chapter is it.."

KW : "Ooh~ here we go our couple"

DH : "It's day 18, the morning after your family and Chaeyoung had a dinner together"

MN : "Oh? That's right"

CY: "Wow, how did you remember every chapter on this story??"

DH : "Of course, I'm a big fan of this story~" *winks*

CY : "For me, I like the chapter where Mina believed that the blanket was an invisible blanket, she got an innocent image there, hahaha"

MN : "Right, I looked stupid"

KW : "My favorite one is the chapter where Mina caught up red-handed when she was about to throw the ugly cookie's icing. That was funny ㅋㅋㅋ, I can't imagine her face"

MN : "Oppa" *glares* "stop teasing me"

CY : "How about Joohee-ssi? Do you have any favorite chap?"

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