Day 18

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"Augh.. why so cold.."

The morning breeze strike down to his spine, Chaeyoung kept rubbing his palms to keep himself warm. His own fault to not bringing any thick cloth with him. He never knew, the temperature in Mina's house will be lower than his house.

It was 3.45 AM in the dusk. Sky was still dark, and he sat in front of Mina's gate like a homeless person waiting for someone to gave him food.

"I wish she came out s-soon." He shivered.


"Up! up! baby don't give up!
Wake me up, we can work it out yo!
Up! up! baby don't give up!
Wow wow wow wo- "

"Ugh... Mina groaned, she quickly get up from her bed and turned her alarm off.

"I should consider changing the ringtone later"

With a half closed eyes, she checked the clock.

"3.50 AM"

Mina's eyes widened, "WHATTT? I swear I set it on 3.30 AM!" she jumped out from her bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. Still on her pajamas, she quickly ran down the stairs, heading to the front gate.


Mina opened the gate and found Chaeyoung was leaning his back on the car. He looks so cool in a white t-shirt and jeans like that.


Chaeyoung turned his head after he heard someone called his name.

"Woah, you came right on time.." He looked at his phone that showed exactly 4AM.

Mina was trying to catch her breath after running from her bedroom that quite far from the front gate. Not kidding, her legs kinda felt wobbly now.

"Anyway, that's a good slippers," Chaeyoung raised his brows while looking at Mina unmatched slippers. Mina also looked down on her feet, then found out that she was wearing one of her dad's slippers.

Mina's cheek turned red in embarrassment. She was in hurry and not paying much attention to her feet. Chaeyoung let out a little laugh, he approached her and extended his hand.

"Let's go now?"

"Where are we going?? At least let me change my slippers first-"

"Okay, I'll give you 10 minutes. Change it to a sneakers, and don't forget to bring a jacket, it's cold"

Mina nodded, she went back inside to grab her jacket and shoes. Then, she remembered that Chaeyoung also didn't wear any jacket in this cold weather. So she made a U-turn, ran back to her room and find a hoodie for him.


"Here, wear it. I hope this fits on you" Mina handed the hoodie to Chaeyoung.

"You really don't need to-" Chaeyoung stopped when he saw Mina glared at him.

"Okay okay I will wear it, thank you Mina"

When he put his head inside Mina's hoodie, it smells really nice. Chaeyoung wondered what perfume did she use?

Luckily it fits on Chaeyoung, and it warmed his body a lot. He checked his reflection on the car window then turned at Mina.

"Let's go?"

"Hmm." Mina covered her head with her jacket's hood, and she's ready to go.


They walked side by side on the empty street with only each other. Since it was really early in the morning and no one woke up from their sleep yet, they could only hear cricket sounds and their own step.

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