Day 16

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The three best friends gathered at the living room, still with their sleepy face. They sat on the sofa leaning to Joohee's shoulder.

"So, who opened my phone last night?" Chaeyoung crossed his arms while eyeing them, one by one.

"Joohee." Both of Kyungwan and Hyun pointed at the girl in the middle.

"And, who opened my message?" Chaeyoung asked again.

"Joohee." Kyungwan and Hyun said in union.

"Hya- you two saw it too" she grunted.

"But you're the one who shows us the message-" Kyungwan added.

"You were curious too, stop blaming on me." Joohee pushed Kyungwan's head over her shoulder carelessly.

Chaeyoung just messaged his temple,
"Okay okay, stop, forget it now. I'm just asking"

"I'm sorry Chae, my bad. I made the person blocked your number" Joohee apologized.

"Yeah, it's okay. I'll ask the person to unblock it later" he shrugged his shoulder.

"Oh, by the way, who is that bird?" Joohee asked, carefully put Hyun's head on the couch armrest because he fell asleep again. Her treatment difference towards Hyun and Kyungwan is real.

"Bird?? It's a friend of mine, and she's not a bird-"

Chaeyoung then realized that he just told the person's gender. He mentally slapped himself for being such an incautious person.

"Ooohh so that was she???" Kyungwan opened his eyes widely. Chaeyoung never mentioned he has a girl [space] friend before.

"Who is it??"

"S-She's my new friend-"
Chaeyoung wasn't lying, but why did he stutter?

"Name, duh." Joohee added.

"I don't want to tell her name, it's secret. Anyway I will go now, don't forget to lock my house later, ask Hyun if you need anything. Also, I already prepared your breakfast in the kitchen, eat it up before it's cold"

Chaeyoung avoided further questions from them since he might spill Mina's name soon.
Not sure if it's a good thing or not, but he's bad at lying.

"Are you really fine now? If you still feel sick just don't go to work today" Kyungwan stood up and went to the kitchen after he heard that Chaeyoung cooked a breakfast.

"I'm really fine now, thank you for taking care of me last night, for yesterday too. I don't know what will happen to me if you didn't come here yesterday, I might end up in hospital."

"I'm going back to Korea today, but the next day after tomorrow I will be here again. My company just opened a branch store in Osaka, and I should be there to check if they got any problem." Kyungwan explained.

"Okay, visit me if you have free time. How about you Joohee? Oh right, can I borrow your car for..a while?"

"Sure, feel free to use my car and thank you for repairing it. I think I will take a flight with him,"

Chaeyoung nodded, "No, I'm the one who should say thank you. You two, have a safe flight then, call me if you arrived. I'm going now okay?? goodbye"

He wore his brown coat and leave the house, giving them a slight smile as a sign that he is really fine now, and there's nothing to be worried about.

"I shouldn't look sad in front of Mina neither her family.." Chaeyoung rubbed his face with both of his hands.

"Go Chaeyoung. You can do it, 14 days more, and you're going to America. Fighting!"
He made a fist and get inside the car. Today is going to be another hard day for Chaeyoung because he just lost someone he loves from his life, but he needed to hide his sad feeling.

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