Day 11

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Last night, both of them didn't get enough sleep. For Mina, she couldn't sleep because of the rain. And Chaeyoung, he was busy calculating the house rent fees that he needs to pay tommorow, and the results is, he didn't have enough money.

"OH NO!! I'M LATE!!!" Chaeyoung screamed as he looked at the watch. He immediately jumped out from his bed and ran to the bathroom.

He have no time to pick up a suit. So he just used a white shirt and covered it with a hoodie then paired it up with a washed off denim pants. To match up his outfit, Chaeyoung wore a sneakers today. He forgot to comb his hair, neither take his breakfast. He was really messed up.

Chaeyoung ran to the nearest convenience store to bought some instant popcorn. Even though he was in a hurry, he won't forget his priority. He also bought a cup of coffee to help him stay awake today.

Ater catching his breath, he ran again to the nearest bus stop and took the bus to Mina's house.

At the bus, he checked himself on the phone. His hair was messy, and he had an eye bags.

Chaeyoung rubbed his face with both of his hand and deeply sighed.

"You're a dumb. You know you can't sleep late but you did that anyway. Dumb Chaeyoung" he muttered to himself.

He leaned his back to the seat, and closed his eyes. Chaeyoung was about to fall asleep, but suddenly..

"Chaeyoung-san!" Someone sat beside him and slapped his arm.

To his surprise, it was Somi.

"O-oh, hi.." He answered weakly.

"Nice to meet you again~ " she said with a cheerful smile. "Don't you think it's a fate-"

"Yeah, nice to meet you too. Where is your destination?" Chaeyoung asked her before she continues her line.

"I'm going to XX street."

"Huh? but this bus isn't going that way" He thought. However it's not a big problem, he doesn't care anyway.

"Oh.. alright" Chaeyoung nodded.

"Are you going to Miss Myoui's house again?" She asked him this time.

"Yes." He shortly answered.

"What are you doing there?"

"I work at her house everyday"

"Work?? That house never hired anybody to work there everyday. Did you lie?"

"I'm not. But what? Why did they do that?" Chaeyoung went curious. He never thought of it. When Mina said they hire a maid only at Sunday, he just shrugged it off. Since he thought, it's just their habit.

"I don't know, but I heard they have a big secret inside the house. They don't want anyone to know it." Somi said, half whispering.

"..." "That's nosense." Chaeyoung thought.

"But they hire me." He uttered.

"Hmm.. that's weird"

Chaeyoung didn't believe it, he absolutely knew Myoui's family will never do something like that. They're all have a good education background. Like.. they won't kill someone and hide it inside the house right? Or things like hiding something on their basement that came out as a prison.

It's impossible to do.

Without he realized, he already arrived in front of Mina's house. He bid a goodbye to Somi and leave.

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