Day 23

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"What is this smell?" Mr. Akira nudged his wife's arm who was sleeping beside him.

" smells like something burned.." she murmured, still half asleep.

"BURNED!?" Both of them opened their eyes widely and hurriedly ran to the kitchen where that smell was possible to come from.


To their surprise, the kitchen was filled with smoke. Greasy and burnt smells were all over the room, anyone would literally cough up when that unpleasant scents entered their nose.

Little did they know, their daughter was the one who responsible for this mess.

"Oh my God Mina! What happened?"

Mrs. Myoui opened the door, making a way for the smoke to leave their house.

Though he was coughing nonstop, Mr. Akira also helped his wife to reduce the smoke by fanning it out from the room with his bare hands.

Meanwhile Mina, who was the main culprit of that disaster, stood still in front of the burning bacon like nothing happened. She found that funny when her parents went into panic mode.

It wasn't like Mina set the house in fire though.

"You laugh???" Mrs. Myoui asked with confused face.

"Turn off the stove Mina!" Her dad commanded.

"I already did, see?" she smiled.

"What were you doing??" her mom asked again.

"I was trying to cook a piece of bacon and this happened." she said.

"You didn't turn on the kitchen exhaust fan???"

"No, how to turn that on?" she casually asked.

Her mom and dad slapped their foreheads at the same time. It's their fault too. They almost never let Mina touch the kitchen, neither teach her how to cook. Mina learns it by herself, she's a person who's great at observing. She often saw many cooking videos on internet, and she was looking at Chaeyoung cooking all this time. In those ways, she discovered some cooking tips even though she never practices it.

"There's a red button there.." Mrs. Myoui said.

"Ah.. So that's why Chaeyoung never produced this much smoke..." She murmured.

Mina clenched her fist, while saying "Challenge!" inside her mind. It was too early to give up.

Cooking is not an easy thing that everyone can learn in a night. Failed dish is also an experience, she got the lesson to turn on the exhaust fan, thanks to today's failure.

Chaeyoung said, his ideal type is someone who's good at cooking right? Then she wanted to include herself into that category.

"But, why are you suddenly cook? Early in this morning?" Her father asked.

"I told Chaeyoung that I will cook today and we can have a breakfast together."

"Oh.. Chaeyoung.." Mr. Akira nodded, sharing a knowing look with his wife.

"I have an idea!" Her mom uttered. "What about we make sushi?"

That was the simplest dish that appeared on her mind. They didn't need to cook anything, it's just placing rice and other ingredients you like inside your nori sheet and roll them. Almost the same as making a Korean kimbap.

Mina agreed with the idea. How come she didn't think about that food before? It's on top three of her favorite food list, came right after ketchup and melonpan.

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