Happy Mina Day!

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Hello this is me crispypotatochipsss!

Finally! 😁

I'm very very happy that this story finally reached its end! After around one years and three months of writing I finally made it on Mina's birthday! Yay! Happy Mina Day!! 🐧🌹

This is my first ever story that I decided to publish on wattpad, and I wasn't sure about my decision at first. I wanted to give up a lot of times, but because of you all, my readers, I gained back my courage to continue this story till the end! Thanks a lot! ✨

Through writing this story, I learned much things. I learned to be patient on every chapter that suddenly dissapeared to nowhere because my wattpad suddenly crashed, and how to be more careful when choosing the right words.

It was hard to make a plot of this book because it's day to day chapter. I couldn't cut it wherever I want and continue on the next chapter, because one day should be done in one chapter. I'm not going to do this again in my next story ㅠ.ㅠ

My average words / chapter is 4000, but sometimes there are few chapters that have 7000 - 8000 words, you might be feeling that the last chapter is the longest to read, and yeah that's true.

It has 14000+ words.

I was very shocked. It equals to 3 chapters updates! \(◎o◎)/

(Did I keep my promise to do a double update then? 👉👈)

Anyway here's a footage of my plotting book. I just feel like sharing it with you all hehehe (〃゚3゚〃)

 I just feel like sharing it with you all hehehe (〃゚3゚〃)

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(Tiger represents Chaeyoung ㅋㅋㅋ)

My handwriting sometimes went so neat like this :

But there was also times when my idea ran to fast and my hand just couldn't keep up with it

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But there was also times when my idea ran to fast and my hand just couldn't keep up with it.

Lots of ups and downs right? 😂

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Lots of ups and downs right? 😂

Too bad, there's no book two for this story... For the rest, I will leave it all to your imaginations!

In the future I'm planning to write more TWICE fanfics, but I'm still unsure about what should I write next. That's why I'm asking your opinions and advice my beloved readers~

So.. what do you want me to write next?? Please leave it on the comments section!

That's all from me, I wish for everyone a good day and happiness! Thank you for supporting me to write this story and being patient for every updates! Let's meet again in another story! I'll miss you guys a lot~ ❤️

P.S : I changed the cover! How's it?? I hope you guys like it hehe. I also added a "chapter cards" in every chapter. Those cards represents each chapter's main idea. Please check them out if you have time!

Fun fact : When I saw Mina's vlog yesterday I was very surprised knowing that Mina's mother likes doing art.(paints and etc) And if you read back to day 12, I also wrote that Mina's mom was into painting! Such a coincidence isn't it?😂

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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