Day 1

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Chaeyoung's POV

As soon as we arrived at Mina's house, I gasped. Mina's house is bigger than my expectations. I'm sure that Mina's is a descent from Japanese royal family.

We get out of the car and Mina's parents welcomed us with a warm smile.

Oh wait- Isn't he.. Professor Akira Myoui?! the CEO of Medical Center for Translational Research in Japan? He once came as a speaker at my University, He's a great doctor!!!! I'm your fan!!

"Long time no see," Mina's father said as he did a handshake with JYP and me.

From now, I won't wash my hand again! I just touched a famous doctor's hand!

"Yes, how is Mina's condition??" JYP asked. But Mina's, parents didn't answer him. They only looked at each other and sighed.

"Please come inside," Mina's mother said and guide us the way.

When we arrived in the living room, I saw a figure of a girl sitting on the sofa looked down. Her hair was all over her face, so I couldn't see her face properly.

So..this girl is Mina? She was different from her picture I saw on the internet. Actually the opposite from her bright and cheerful image.

"About her legs, we already brought her to the hospital and it's okay, it will take a week to heal" Mina's father said.

Her leg is injured too? Ah that's why she wore a patch on her thigh.

When we're talking to each other, Mina just stays silent. I looked at her. This must be a serious case. Rather than anxiety, I called this a depression.

"I have a psychologist here, and he will take care of Mina for 1 month," JYP said. Mina's mother nodded. They must be having a big trust in JYP since JYP is the one who takes care of Mina when she's far from them.

I introduced myself and reassured them with my words. "You can trust me Sir, I will do my best to cure your daughter." Mina's father glanced at me and nods.

He must have forgotten me.

"Hello Mina, my name is Chaeyoung, Nice to meet you" I smiled at Mina but she averted her eyes. Then I extended my hand. But Mina doesn't respond to it at all.

"Well maybe next time.." I slowly pulled my hand back.

God... it's very awkward.

After all the conversation, JYP left me here. He said he needs to go back to Korea. Mina's parents also need to go. They said to me, that I need to stay and get to know Mina more.


Now it's just me and Mina in this house. Kinda strange they left me alone with their only daughter. Didn't they think I'm a stranger here?? I mean, I can do anything to her if I want-

Okay, enough. I need to talk with her.


I called her by her name, but she doesn't answer me and walked away. I felt like I'm being dumped. No! I won't give up.

I followed her from behind.

"Stop following me, I'm not accepting any stranger." She said. My jaw dropped by her cold rejection.

When I said I won't give up, I really meant it.

I followed Mina to her room. Mina sat in front of the window, staring blankly outside. I wonder what she's thinking about.

Mina's room is really big and clean. But it was dark. She doesn't turn on any lamp in this wide room. The only lighting is just from the window. The window itself has big and thick curtains, and she didn't open that curtain. How could she live a life like this?

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