Day 6

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Chaeyoung's POV

I knocked on Mina's door for several times, but no answer. I called her name, but the results is still the same.

Maybe she's still sleeping..

I thought she will wait for me again like yesterday, so I came here earlier today. But Mina's mother said she hasn't came out from her room yet. I feel worried about her..

I sat on the couch and waited for her. 30 minutes passed and I started to feel really worried. So I went up to her bedroom again and knock.

"Mina.. it's me Chaeyoung, are you okay there?? Can I come in??" I raised my voice a bit, so that she can hear me.

I tried to open the door handle, but it was locked. I have no option other than waiting for her again.

I hope she's okay inside, I mean..she won't harm herself right? We're good yesterday, and is there anything else that could make her feel.. anxious?

Oh God.. I'm really worried right now.

The time keep ticking, and it got on my nerves. Let's take a move now, let's find her bedroom key.

I called Mrs. Myoui and asked where's the key. She told me that they just have one key for each room. That meant no way I can open the door.

"What happened to Mina??" she asked in worried tone.

"She haven't came out from her room, I called her name but she didn't answer me, I just want to make sure she's alright inside.."


"Uh.. Ma'am, do you have screwdriver in the house?"


Luckily, I know how to hack a locked door. Thanks to Kyungwan who taught me this trick.

I kneeled down and insert the screwdriver to the keyhole. Suddenly the door opened..


"Chaeyoung?? What are you doing?"

Third person's POV.

Mina opened the door before Chaeyoung did, She looked at Chaeyoung confusedly. Meanwhile Chaeyoung, he looks like a burglar who kneeled down with a screwdriver in his hand.

"O-oh Mina-ssi" he stuttered and immediately stood up.

"What are you doing with that?" Mina pointed at the screwdriver he was holding.

"I- I want to fix your door," Chaeyoung rubbed his nape.

"Hmm? Nothing's wrong with the door, what kind of excuse is that" Mina crossed her arms.

"Fine! I was worried about you, you locked the door and didn't answer me, I thought you might did something harmful, so I decided to open this door"

Mina laughed. "You really bad at lying Chaeyoung,"

Chaeyoung found out that Mina's eyes were swollen, she looked like someone who just cried for one night long.

"Why? What happen?" Chaeyoung asked her with softer tone.


"Your eyes are puffy. Did you cry last night?"


"Tell me, what happened?"

Mina gulped,

"I miss my members.." she said after a while. Chaeyoung smiled, he's glad to the fact that Mina told her problem and didn't hide it from him.

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