Day 27

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Today, Chaeyoung woke up earlier than Mina.
As soon as he woke up, he took a quick shower and made a cup of coffee. He only got 5 hours to sleep, so he couldn't risk feeling sleepy for today.

When the clock pointed at 6, Chaeyoung woke Mina up.

"Mina, wake up" he softly said as he tapped her body lightly.

Mina opened her eyes and stretched out her body. She unconsciously smiled when Chaeyoung is the first person she saw as she woke up.

"Good morning~"

"Morning too" Mina replied with her raspy voice.

"Get up, let's have a breakfast together,"

"Have you take a shower??"


"Seriously? Early in the morning??"


Mina got up from the bed and immediately took a shower before anything. She made it quick since she didn't want Chaeyoung to wait any longer for her.

Just as Chaeyoung said, they were having a breakfast together at the apartment's cafeteria. Luckily, they served an ordinary breakfast menu, like toast and sausages. American breakfast style. So Chaeyoung and Mina didn't need to confuse about choosing a meal.


"Oh right, Chaeyoung-ah"

"Hmm?" Chaeyoung looked up from his plate and meet Mina's eyes.

"What happened to the lonely tree after the bird left?"

"After the bird left, and the day passed, a little sprout appeared near that tree."


"The tree was confused. Where was it came from? How did that sprout grow on that place?"

Mina was very focused on Chaeyoung's story. Her eyebrows were raised up, showing how much she was curious about the ending.

"As the day goes by, the sprout grew into a beautiful flower. They started to talk with each other, and became friends! The tree was glad, finally he found a true friend that he really wants. But one thing that the tree didn't know, that flower was coming from a seed that the bird dropped when it was taking his leaves. The day changes and more flowers grew around him. They have various colors and types. The tree was very happy knowing that he is not alone anymore."

"The end."


"Yeah, It's the end."

"What's the moral of the story??"

"What do you think is it?" Chaeyoung leaned closer to Mina.

"That.. we should be kind to anyone?" She guessed.

"Yeah, but that's not only it. You should learn to give before you know how to receive. That was what my mom said"

"Ah.. I get it now. Sometimes we will receive from a different person that we give right?"

Chaeyoung nodded.

"Your mom wrote a great story.." she complimented.

"Thanks, she will be happy to hear that from you" he smiled.

Mina smiled back at him and continue to finish her unfinished toast. Chaeyoung has a really good choice with places, this apartment was one of the proofs.

"Oh right, what are we going to do today?" she asked full of anticipation.

"Uhm... I have thought about it before, and since today's weather is nice, we could rent a motorbike to go around the city. How do you think?"

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