Day 28

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Mina walked in circles while biting her nails. The clock already showed 10 AM but Chaeyoung hasn't wake up yet. Mina knew that he's an early riser, and it was also the reason why she started to worry.

She has been waiting for him to wake up from one hour ago but Chaeyoung didn't even move.

"What if he fell sick? Should I check on him? Or not? What if he's not sick but only tired and I disturbed his sleep?"

Since his back was facing her, she couldn't see his face properly. Mina was in doubt, but her feeling said to check on him. Then, Mina came closer to Chaeyoung and carefully placed her hand on his cheek.

Just by that, Mina went panic.

"His body is hot! What should I do?"

"Keep calm Mina. You should keep calm first. Grab your wallet and stuff, then go outside to find the nearest drugstore." Said someone inside her mind.

Mina agreed with her mind this time.

Or.. was it her heart who said so?

She took her blanket and put it over Chaeyoung's body. She didn't know, was it the right thing to do?

After that, without thinking twice, Mina ran away from the apartment to find the nearest drugstore outside.

She almost got hit by a car because she didn't pay attention to the road. Maybe she was out of her mind for a while, strolling around in public places carrying her identity as a "big artist".

Luckily, she safely arrived at the drug store and no one recognizes her. With her minimum effort in speaking English, Mina could get what exactly she wanted. The pharmacist understands her and gave her what probably she needs to cure a fever.

When Mina arrived back at the apartment, Chaeyoung was still sleeping, but his position changed. He was laying on his back and she could properly see his face now.

She opened a fever cooling patch that she bought earlier and carefully stick it up on Chaeyoung's forehead.

"This should be right.." she said, clueless.

Mina kept waiting for Chaeyoung to wake up beside the couch. Sometimes, she wrapped her hands around his palm to check his temperature.

Mina is a type of person who gets panicked easily when it comes to someone's health. Yesterday, little did she know, Chaeyoung was pushing himself to be okay when the condition was the opposite. Probably Chaeyoung has a reason behind it, but whatever the reason was, Mina couldn't agree with that.

"He should've told me if he was tired.." she mumbled.

Hearing Mina's soft voice, Chaeyoung opened his eyes. How shocked he was when he found the girl was sitting beside him as soon as he woke up.

"C-chaeyoung? Are you okay??" She quickly retreated her hand.

When Chaeyoung was about to rise up from the couch, the headache suddenly hit him.

"Argh.." he flinched. "Mina? What are you doing-"

"Hey, you have a fever.. don't move too much.."

"Huh? Fever? I'm not, I'm totally okay." he furrowed his brows in confuse.

"Don't lie to me" Mina glared at him.

"Lie about what??"

As Chaeyoung touched his forehead, he felt another thing was sticking there.

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