Day 22

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It was 4 AM in the morning when the alarm beside his bed beeped, causing the sleeping person to wake up from his long dream.

Chaeyoung opened his eyes then blinked several times. The dizziness kicked in at the time he rose to a sitting position.

This is why Chaeyoung doesn't drink. His body is low-tolerance to alcoholic beverages. He got drunk easily after one or two shots, after that in the next morning, the hangover takes a longer time to leave compared to another person with high alcohol tolerance.

"Ah..." He supported his head with his hand.

After he wandered his eyes around the room, he jumped out from his bed in shock.


"W-Why am I here??"

He felt that his back was sticky, so he took his shirt off and see that it was soaked in sweat. Then he wiped the remaining sweat from his forehead,

"Also why am I soaked in sweat??"

"Is this a dream or reality??" He slapped his face multiple times to make sure that he felt the pain.

"I'm sure that last night I was drinking with Kyungwan, and after that.. I don't remember anything!!"

Chaeyoung tried to recall last night's memories, what happened last night and why he ended up here, in his bedroom.

But he found nothing, except for the fact that someone carried him there, took off his shoes and placed a glass of mineral water beside his bed.

"Who?? It would never be Kyungwan. He was also drunk." He messaged his nose bridge and reached the glass of water to wet his dry throat.

His watch already showed 4.15 AM there. In the next hour, he should be at Mina's place.

So despite the dizziness that still lingers on his head, he headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. But, as he passed by the kitchen, his eyes landed on something that placed on his counter.

It was a bowl of soup that still hot and steamy.

"A soup?" He murmured as he came closer to have a look.

Right beside the bowl, there was a blue sticky note with Korean letters written on it. There might be a clue on this note that could answer all of his questions about last night.

He squinted his eyes to read the note.

"Next time don't drink too much, I hope this hangover soup can help. Anyway, have a nice date with Mina today!"
-your bestie-


Chaeyoung immediately knew that it was her after seeing that neat and legible handwriting.

"But how did she know that I will have a date-"

"Did she opened my phone?!"

He slapped his forehead. That was possible because Chaeyoung never set a password to lock his phone.

However, he pushed those thoughts aside. He speculated that it was fine. Joohee would understand that it was only a joke and she knows Chaeyoung wasn't really going on a "real date" with Mina.

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