Day 12

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Chaeyoung's POV.

"Beep..beep..beep.." the alarm clock kept beeping repeatedly that made me annoyed sometimes by it sounds.

"Okay okay, I'm up" I woke up and turned it off.

"Should I borrow some money from Hyun?"
That was the first thing I thought about as soon as I woke up. Since yesterday, it kept disturbing my mind.

I think that was my fault too. I was too focused on Mina, and forgot to take care of my own life. My life ruined because of her. I got so many struggles lately.

I usually didn't drink a coffee or sleep late because it has a special effect on me. For example, my heart will beats abnormally, and I can experience an emotional breakdown in any time.

Avoiding the caffeine might be the best way to prevent all those unwanted things.

I rubbed my face and get off from the bed. Today's weather is nice, so I opened my window to add some air circulation inside my room.

My morning routine started from that, I took a shower, wear my suit, and end with me eating my breakfast.


"Let's do well today." I said to myself on the mirror.

"NO SIGH-" I warned my reflection on the mirror when he was about to let out a deep sigh.

"Everything is going to pass. Come on you can do it" he smiled to me.


Today, I choosed to walk rather than taking the bus.

Reason? I don't want to meet Somi again. Hahaha no, just kidding, I want to buy some flowers for Mina. But the florist took the opposite way from Mina's house.

"Ring.. ring.." The doorbell rang as soon as I came in.

Ah.. this smell.. The smell of fresh flower bragged inside my nose.

"Oh?? Chaeyoung?!" She popped out from behind the desk.

"H-hi imouto.." I waved my hand. She never told me her name, so I decided to call her "imouto" which means "little sister" in Japanese. Actually, we're at the same age, but since she's Hyun's ex, and since I called Hyun as my little brother, this girl practically is my little sister.

"It was over a week since your last visit!" She made a pout. "Where have you been?? I miss you so much!"

"I got another work to do.. bad news for you, I didn't work at the hospital again now"

"WHAT??!" She closed her mouth with her hands, "Sorry-"

"But why???"

"I told you, I got another-


"I-I hired to cure someone's mental disorder for 30 days."

She sighed. "These days so many people suffering many various of mental health.. Look at this" She showed me her phone. It was an article about Mina.

I freezed on my place. Didn't know what to say.

"Do you know TWICE? They're a kpop group who just had a concert in Kyocera dome, and this member of TWICE, her name is Mina, she disappeared from TWICE recently because of a mental disorder"

"Oh really?" I pretended to be clueless.

"Yes! How could her leave her group like that.. shame on her.."

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