Day 5

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This morning Mina woke up earlier than yesterday. She took a shower and get dressed. For today, she picked a simple white t-shirt, and couple it with an ash grey jogger pants. After she checked herself on the mirror, she walked down the stairs to eat breakfast with her parents.

"Morning Mom, Dad" she said then kissed her parent's cheeks.

"Mina, you woke up so early today, what's up?" her mother asked while spreading a jam on the bread.

"Nothing.. I just want to eat the breakfast together" Mina gave them a little smile.

Mrs. Myoui gave her warmest smile as she stroked her only daughter's hair "It's nice to see you happy"

"How's your sleep?" Mina's Dad asked.

"I have a nice sleep Dad, thanks for asking" she answered.

They finished their breakfast with a happy face. Mina's parents are glad, that Mina is recovering slowly. Even though they know it still a long way to go, it's okay. As long as their beloved daughter is healing mentally and physically.

"I prepared this for Doctor Chaeyoung, later if he come, please give it to him" Mina's mother said as she handed her a lunchbox.

"What is this Mom?"

"A little gift from us to thank him for being so kind to you"

"Ah.. okay. I'll gave it to him later"

Mr. and Mrs. Myoui left right after the breakfast. For the first time, Mina waited Chaeyoung to come. She was nervous, she kept thinking about what should she says when she gives the lunchbox for Chaeyoung.

"Chaeyoung, my mother cooked a food for you-"

"No no, that's sounds weird."

"Doctor Chaeyoung, this is a lunchbox for you-"

"Nah, it's more weird."

"My mother cooked something for you, eat that."

"Hey, that's too rude"

"Ah whatever! just give it to him" she put down the lunchbox on the table. But later, she picked it up again and put it on her laps.

"What time he usually comes?" Mina looked at her watch, it was 9 AM but he hasn't come yet.

Right after she asked that, she saw Chaeyoung arrived on her gatehouse. She quickly fixed her position and cleared her throat.


Chaeyoung's POV.

Today's weather is nice! The weather is not hot, yet not too cold. It just perfect. That's why today I'm in a good mood.

As always I took a bus and stopped in front of Mina's house and walk inside.

"Today is the fifth day isn't it? Oh right, still a long way to go," I sighed as I opened the door and put on a smile on my face. It wasn't a fake one though.


She's there?? I thought she hasn't wake up yet? How shocked I am when I saw that girl already waiting for me in the couch.

"Oh hi-" she greeted me, without looking ?

"Hi, good morning" I greeted her back and sat in front of her. She was holding a lunchbox, I wonder what would she do with that..

"Here, my mom made it for you" She placed the lunch box on the table. I raised my eyebrows in disbelief,

"For me?"

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