Day 19

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Chaeyoung's POV

Today.. is the nineteenth day. Already.

Time passed away so fast I think?

Felt like it just yesterday, I got a chance to introduce myself to her in front of her family. Then got rejected for several times because she didn't like me.

Back then, I kept questioning myself,

"Can I do this?"

"Can I make it till the end?"

Now, I have the answer of those question.

I know I can do it.

I can make it till the end.

Mina believed in me, she didn't hate me anymore.

What else??

One last thing is just to make her gained her confidence back, throw away her pressure to perform on stage, and my job is done.

After the day thirty, we parted away, and back to the days we were a stranger.


I wish. It would end simply like that.

But it was before I know,

Things gotta get harder after it involves my feelings.


Last night rain gave the city fresh morning air with no fine dust. While listening to my favorite playlist, I drove the car with an opened my windows to feel the morning air.

Yesterday memories replayed on my mind. I don't know why but my lips automatically curved up when I remember Mina leaned her head on my back, when she held my hand and cheered me up, when she smile, even when she didn't do anything..

Wait what??!

"Arrgh! Why I kept thinking about her?? Yah come on Chaeyoung! Focus on your mission!"

"Whatever it is! I don't want to ruin this beautiful day, let's keep on the mood until this day ended okay?"

That day.. I was still too innocent to know,

I fell in love for the first time.


8.15 AM Mina's House

"Good morning Mina!" Chaeyoung waved his hand showing his widest smile.

Mina squinted her eyes looking at his unusual smiley face. She knows, Chaeyoung was always cheerful, but this time is different.

"What's with your greeting-"

"I don't know, I think today going to be a reallyyyy nice day" Chaeyoung stretched out his hand to the air.

"Is that so? Should we make a bet?" Mina laughed, folding her arms.

"What bet?"

"If you're keeping your positive vibes until the end of this day, you won. But, if I saw you once grunted, sighed, frowned, or glared, you lose."

"What will I get if I win this bet?"

"I will show you my childhood photo"

"Oohh! That's not bad! And what if I lose?" He asked again.

"You need to treat me an ice cream."

"Just that? It's an easy wish- Okay deal!"

"Deal." Mina said and they did a handshake afterwards.

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