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Chaeyoung's POV

I woke up in the morning, as the sun shining through my window. I looked out from the window and fully opened the curtains. Letting more sunshine lighten up my room.

"What a great night" I said to myself. My digital watch showed 05.45 on its screen.

As always, I stretched my body first, hoping that I could grow any inches more. After that, I went to the kitchen and cook something for my breakfast. I've been into waffles recently which is a pancake with abs. Sometimes I paired it
with a glass of milk or apples.

Rather than a person who starts their day with coffee, I started my day with a glass of milk. It's healthier you know? I'm a doctor- no I mean I work at the hospital, and it affects ninety-nine point nine percent of my life to be healthier than ever.

While enjoying my breakfast, usually I will read a book. It can be a book about medical information, sci-fi, art, or any dictionary.

Next, I took a shower with super cold water. Trust me, it will refresh your mind and gave you the best energizing feelings to start your day. One more thing, don't forget to brush your teeth. I recommend you to choose a toothpaste with the highest fluoride. It's good for your gum and teeth.

After that, I suited myself and go to work. I don't have any car or motorbike. Even though I can drive both of them but I'll choose to go by bus.

At the bus I can have more interactions with people since I work as a psychologist, I need to observe people's behavior. I do study about human body language, so when someone talks to me, I can understand whether they're lying or not.

Let me tell you about my job. Like what I've said earlier, I work at hospital as a psychologist. I'm the head chief of my psychological department. Pretty cool right? Even though I'm the youngest comrade there.

You must be wondering why 21 years old guy like me can be the head chief.

Same, me too.

They said it was because I have a charm that no one else has and my charm is really helpful for people with psychological disorders. Don't you think the reason is kinda ridiculous? Like I mean-

How can a charming people cure a mental disorder??

The hospital is about 5 kilometers away from my house. So it took likely 20 minutes by bus. Mostly I will put on my headphones and start sketching on my sketchbook. I always bring one sketchbook in my bag. I like drawing. When I saw something beautiful, I want to capture that moment into a drawing.

Twenty minutes passed and I already arrived in front of the hospital. As soon as I arrived, I will go to my patient's room first to greet them. Sometimes I brought them some flowers from my favorite florist, Minatozaki's flower house. They only sell the best and pretty flowers in the town. One of my friends also works there, she gave me so much discount when I bought flowers in their store.

"Good morning everyone!" I said as soon as I entered my office.

"Morning Mr. Son" my fellow doctor replied. Then I walked to my desk near the window.

Every morning someone will send me a lunchbox. I don't even know who is the sender, at first I was afraid that he or she was trying to poison me with that food. But nope, it's just my mind. The food isn't poisoning at all. It was delicious and healthy.

Everyone who made that, Thank you so much.

Lastly, before I finally sat on my chair, I'll take a long and deep breath. I spoke to myself my own quotes and motivation before I started my busy day.

So.. Yeah, that's it my morning routine, and I love my life. I love every single day of my life. I'm thankful that I am still alive and breathing today. Seriously, being a doctor make me realized how precious life is. You need to enjoy your life because life is short. And then later if you died, you won't regret your life.

I opened my laptop and check on my emails. Sometimes, my old patient will send me an email and other emails were from people who made a reservation for my consultation.

At 9 AM, I asked my doctor friends to accompany me and check my patient. He's one of my friends, his name is Dr. Lim. My partner that I already considered as my father. He is 50 years old and he already has so many experiences in psychological cases. I learned many things from him.

"Chaeyoung-ssi, is everything going well?" Dr. Lim asked me.

"Yeah, so far so good" I smiled at him.

"Have you paid your bill?"

I nodded.

"Good, if you need any help don't hesitate to ask me." He tapped my shoulder.

"Yes sir!" I answered with a soldier tone. We laughed together until someone called me from behind.

"Doctor Chaeyoung!!!" Hyun ran towards me. By the way, Hyun is my assistant, a resident doctor, He is 3 months younger than me.

"What's up bro?" I asked him.

"I have been searching for you anywhere! Where are you all this time?! Huh..huh.." He still panting from running.

"Speak slowly, what's the matter Hyun?" Dr. Lim asked.

"I'm sorry Doctor, but someone came to my room and he is.. he is-"

He froze up with a directed stare. I followed his stare and turned back. Then, my eyes widened.

Standing behind me, a man with sunglasses and likely 10 bodyguards make a circle formation near him-

"Are you Doctor Chaeyoung?"

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