How funny-

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You know? It is easy to make Izuku laugh. Just use some dark humor and you're on his good side indefinitely. But Izuku had never laughed as hard as he did the day he died . . .

This is when you are supposed to stop reading because you learn that your innocent, sweet protagonist is now a psychopath. Or you could keep reading if you're an angst fan, I don't blame you for reading that sorta crap. I have been there too.

I mean *cough cough* narrator stuff or whatever. Ummmmmmm, onto the story.

No one can blame Izuku for jumping. I mean he has always been alone and depressed. It is only natural for a quirkless person though. When you're born quirkless, it's like the world suddenly despises you and now you're vermin to society. For Izuku, his friends immediately turned their backs on him and even resorted to teasing and mentally bullying the young boy. Even his best friend, Katsuki Bakugo—who had basically been joined by the hip with Izuku from the moment they were born—harassed the poor child.

Thankfully no one ever laid a hand on the greenette. Surprised? Well it is because of his looks. Yes, our depressed protagonist happens to be a lean, average height, well toned, tan teenager. He has unruly hair that sweeps to the side and an undercut in the back. His hair is a gorgeous emerald cloud of soft, poofy hair. And his sharp eyes are a toxic lime green surrounded by dark, long eyelashes. Then, of course, there are his signature freckles that layer his pink cheeks.

Yep, Izuku is hot. It's not like he shows it though. Everyone around him has either ignored him or teased him, so he has never once had anyone to tell him he looks good. That began to make him wonder if he was ugly, fat, hideous or all of the above. He started covering himself with hoods, baggy clothes and even makeup to hide his freckles. He never makes eye contact with people and has learned to only speak when spoken to.

Now throughout this, you have probably been wondering where our sweet mother Inko is. Well, she is still kind and gentle, but she—like the rest of society—has her flaws. When Izuku found out he was quirkless, he dwelled in self pity and hatred. Inko didn't know what to do. She couldn't give her son the false hope he wanted. So, she left him alone, thinking maybe he'll come to terms with his quirklesness. How wrong she was. Through this time, they grew apart, never speaking except for the occasional greeting or goodbye. It didn't help that they also had completely different schedules, due mostly to the fact that Inko worked night shifts in the hospital.

With no mother and no friends, Izuku was all alone.

Back to the main story line. @( •-• )@

It was a normal day for Izuku; get up, go to school (don't eat because you're fat), take others' advice so you know what to change, learn nothing, eat something small alone, learn nothing again, get yelled at by Bakugo . . . Yup, a normal day. In the last period, the teacher came in as per normal and threw the papers of who knows what into the air.

"We were going to talk about future careers and such . . . but who am I kidding!? Y'all want to be heroes anyways." And with that statement the chaos of prideful teenagers began. All the students immediately began showing off their quirks and yelling at where they wanted to go or who they wanted to work for. A normal day.

And then, UA was brought up. Bakugo was obviously going for it. Why wouldn't he? With a powerful quirk and a great mind there is no way he can't make it. Izuku, with a mind of self doubt, didn't even think about going to UA. He's not stupid, even saying he wanted to go to UA would be social suicide. Well, I guess it's not like he has even had a social life that could be in danger—but that is not the point. UA is out of his league. Instead, he chose a random, simple school anyone could get into.

The rest of the period was filled with simple conversation about everyone's futures. No one paid attention to the greenette in the back, who was scribbling in a notebook. There was nothing interesting about the notebook. It has a blank, black cover and a decent amount of pages. Inside was almost every page filled to the brim of random things. Izuku uses this notebook to write whatever is on his mind—whether it be the newest hero and their quirk, or how he is feeling at the moment. He has dozens and dozens of these notebooks, and in a way, they are probably the only thing keeping him from going insane.

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