OP Protagonist

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Four months. You can learn a lot in four months. Like Izuku, who used his four months escaping the hospital to study his quirk. He may have died a couple of times in the process, but it's all in the name of good research.

Unfortunately, Izuku still had to go to school. Going to class took away a lot of important time that he could have spent drowning or impaling himself. But no. Instead he had to go to absolute hell to just stare at the clock in the back and learn absolutely nothing.

Thankfully, school was the only thing he had going on—so he didn't have to worry about other activities taking up his time. In fact, his home life was quieter than ever. His mother was always spending her free time with her new boyfriend. And Izuku had to admit, he loves how his mother is finally getting the social communication and attention she deserves.

Yamamoto was an okay guy to Izuku at first. He seemed chill and funny. The dude always knew how to cheer Inko up. But Izuku's views on the man changed after Yamamoto smacked his butt. Let's just say that he got quite the scolding from Izuku. Of course, the greenette began to keep a closer eye on Yamamoto after that. He just didn't trust him not to break his mother's heart. Though Izuku knew this man meant the world to Inko, even if they'd only known each other for four months. Izuku couldn't be the one to spoil their blooming romance.

Inko also seemed different then typical. She was more quiet and she couldn't even look Izuku in the eyes. She always had her hands busy with something and her eyes will constantly wander—like she can't focus on one thing. It was worrying, but Izuku didn't think much of it. He had so much going on with dying and everything, he didn't even realize what his own mother was going through. Later that will bite Izuku in his unobservant dead ass.

But other than school, Izuku spent the rest of his time figuring out how his quirk worked. To do this, he had to do a lot of medical studies on the human body and mind. And surprisingly, his quirk is a lot different than he thought.

Izuku knows he doesn't have every single detail on his quirk, but has enough to know that if he really wanted to, he could become completely overpowered. The only thing is that Izuku doesn't want to be super powerful. He doesn't even want to live!

You'd think that since he got a quirk he'd be like, 'OMG! I have a quirk now, which means I can be a hero as great as All Ass!' Wrong. Izuku isn't a hero. He couldn't even save himself from his own mind! How the hell would he be able to save an innocent from a villain?

Anyways, moving onto Izuku's quirk, ot should he say quirks? The name he gave the quirk is Adaption. Simple, right? Well, the name may be simple but the quirk itself? Not so much. Hence the name. His quirk basically allows his body to adapt in any way to survive. Confused yet? Well Izuku discovered that has actually not died yet . . . kind of. It depends on if you count dying as his heart stopping or if you count it as his whole body and mind completely shutting down forever.

Let's put it this way: a human's brain doesn't stop functioning until about four minutes after the person's heart has stopped. Izuku has never had his heart stop for more than three minutes, so technically speaking—Izuku has never died. At least not on the outside. Izuku has been dead on the inside for as long as he can remember.

Anyways, Izuku's quirk finds things that have or can harm Izuku and creates a defense system for these things. Kind of like a super powerful immune system. Some of the adaptations his body has made to keep Izuku alive—include actual quirks. Such as the strange gravity quirk he used on Toga and the hospital pen. This quirk came from when he first 'died' by jumping off the roof.

It tunes out that if Izuku is able to focus enough, he can change the object's weight to make it lighter or heavier. The drawback is eye pain and muscle fatigue.

Another quirk Izuku has found out was the same power that had slammed the greenette into the wall at the police station. Apparently this power came from when he was hit by a car. The quirk gives Izuku the ability to apply an intense and sudden amount of force to anyone or anything. The force is as strong as a car that is traveling around sixty miles per hour and sadly he can't change that. Technically speaking, with this quirk, Izuku can run around on a rampage—slamming into people with an invisible force that is strong enough to kill them and make them fly into grandma's house around the block. Yeah, grandma probably wouldn't like this quirk . . .

Izuku had found this power when he was casually tossing an apple he had up and down in his hand. And being the klutz he is, Izuku threw the apple up too high and was going to be hit if he didn't do anything. So, he tried to block himself with his arms and instead of the apple hitting him, it flew away without even saying goodbye. He would have gone looking for the apple to see how far it had gone, but with the distant car alarm going off and the loud yelling from someone screaming about a meteor—he decided it'd be best to turn around and never look back. Izuku also found that the drawback to that quirk is broken bones from extreme pressure.

Finding out his wrist was broken was a surprise at first. He couldn't even feel it. But from the unnatural limp form it had and the light swelling, he could put two and two together remotely fast. To be honest though . . . Izuku doesn't mind the broken bones and finds it kind of satisfying to imagine his bones snapping in half and mending back together. 'I'll have to do this more often . . .' Izuku decided to not before moving on with his messed up hell of a life he somehow still had.

Izuku isn't sure what sort of quirk he had gotten from being sliced open by Toga and the doctors, but he assumes it has something to do with blood. He isn't even going to try and find out anytime soon. If Izuku is being honest, he absolutely despises these quirks. They are just so unfair. Why does he have them? He doesn't deserve any of these powers. Some other person that didn't give up on life and try to off themselves should have these quirks. Izuku doesn't deserve a quirk for being weak and giving up on life. So, the greenette made a promise to himself that he would never use any of the quirks he would get from dying.

And the only reason why he is going to continue using Adaptation is because he can't help it. Izuku is still trying to find ways to die and Adaptation is trying to find more ways to keep him alive. The only way for him to not use Adaptation is to not die and that just seems like no fun.

Izuku has tried everything. He had overdosed, he stuck a knife in the outlet, he took a bath with the toaster, he ate some of his school's meatloaf, he tried to hang himself, he had even tried starving himself. But the only reason the last one failed is due to the fact that the Bakugo's had dropped off some spice curry—that curry is to (not) die for . . . He's not sorry for that.

In all honesty he's running out of ideas on ways to die. And though this is completely and entirely screwed up, Izuku is actually having fun with this. Who wouldn't enjoy this? You can literally go skydiving without a parachute or pet the cute grizzly bear that is not as cuddly as the teddy bear you still sleep with. He just can't wait to find some new ways to die.

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Simpler quirk explanation

Name: Adaptation

Description: Adaptation is a quirk that allows the user's body to develop in any way to survive. The body can even develop a quirk to keep similar or the same complications from happening again.

Example: When Izuku jumped from the building, he developed a quirk to control something's weight—so if he were to fall from a height again, he could change his weight to the point that he'd be technically weightless and wouldn't get hurt/die from the impact of the fall.

Adaptation also works if Izuku doesn't die. As an example, if Izuku was to go on a walk in Death Valley, Adaptation would find a way to keep Izuku cool and prevent him from overheating. Adoption also includes a regeneration or healing factor to help Izuku recover from injuries quickly. The healing part of the quirk also keeps Izuku from developing diseases.

Alrighty guys! New chappie!

How's y'all lives doin hm? Mine is lookin up except for EHEM ... bodily stuff ahaha. I will not specify for your safety. Anywho!

Leave your comments, votes and whatever else you wanna give—money works too. (Thoughts are even better 😩🤌🏻). Sorry cringy ahaha hahahahba I'm mental ignore me.

Tā tā dahlings~


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