The Sports Festival is just glorified olympics for violent-prone teenagers

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"No, so what I'm saying is Steve Rogers is gay for his best friend."

'. . . that actually makes sense.'

"Of course it does!" Izuku threw his hands up into the air as he stared at his wall. "I even have evidence!"

"What are you doing, Izuku?"

Izuku turned to look at Aizawa; who was staring at him from his doorway with an eyebrow raised in question. He sighed and stared him down with a serious look. "Is Steve Rogers gay for Bucky?"

Aizawa blinked. "Who . . ?"

Izuku groaned, "You uncultured caterpillar!"

Aizawa sighed and replied to the chaotic child, "Get out of your onesie. We have to discuss the sports festival with Midnight today to make sure nothing happens."

"First of all," Izuku looked down at his banana onesie. "Offended. Second of all, can you repeat your last sentence?"

"To make sure nothing—" Aizawa stopped at Izuku's pointed look. "—to make sure the damage is minimized."

Izuku nodded, "That's what I thought."

"Anyways, Problem Child," Aizawa held the bridge of his nose. "Out of the onesie. Now."

Izuku groaned and began to whine like the petty child he was, "But whyyyyyy . . ."

"Because," Aizawa motioned for him to stand. "Alright, get up and change."


" . . . Izuku."

"If you don't let me wear this I will make that YouTube channel and credit you in the links." Izuku threatened the poor, tired teacher in a serious tone.

Both of the stubborn humans stared at each other. Aizawa narrowed his eyes and Izuku cocked his head while wiggling his eyebrows.

After another moment, Aizawa let out a long sigh. "Fine—"

Izuku pumped his fist in the air, "YEETUS MCFEETUS!"

Deciding to ignore it for once, Aizawa continued; "—however, you will put clothes on underneath it."

Izuku paused and slowly turned to look at Aizawa, "How'd you know? You peeking like a pervert or something?"

Aizawa looked absolutely disgusted. The look on his face practically screamed, 'Bitch, please.'

"Ahahaha, just kidding . . ." Izuku laughed awkwardly and looked away with his lips pursed. "Totally not serious at all."

Aizawa let out a breath, "You have five minutes to meet me out in the lobby."

With that, Aizawa turned around and left. Izuku let out another sigh and began stripping—leaving the door open on purpose to either blind someone or in case someone wanted to be seduced. Which probably wouldn't happen but Izuku could only hope.

While putting on shorts, Izuku peeked out into the hallway of the dorms. Unfortunately, no one was passing by so Izuku couldn't put on a show of putting his banana onesie back on. He did, however, give the wall a wink and promised his bed he would be back soon like the proper husband he is.

He could swear the wall was blushing.

He skipped down the hallway and made his way towards the dorm kitchen. There was absolutely no way that Izuku was leaving without having a snack. He was insane, not uncultured.

After scavenging the fridge, he finally found a stash of Snickers.

"Come to daddy," Izuku cooed as he took a handful of the chocolate delights and stuffed them in the pockets of his onesie. That's right, the beauty of this onesie was from the fact that it had humongous pockets. It was heaven stitched into a cloth.

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