Drug the mother

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Yamamoto was tired of this. His goal was to simply hook up with Inko, maybe take some of her cash and stuff and then be out of there and on with his life. So what was he doing in the Midoriya household nine months later? Well, a certain boy caught his eyes.

Izuku Midoriya—despite his age—looked great. And Yamamoto realized this at his first glance at the boy. He started throwing sexual clues at Izuku in a clear attempt to hook up with the minor, but Izuku was either completely oblivious or was just flat out ignoring the man. It wasn't until he actually smacked Izuku's butt that he actually got the teen's attention. But it wasn't the attention that he wanted.

In fact, Izuku began scolding Yamamoto. That just pissed him off. Actually, everything about the greenette began to piss him off. The boy was always out doing who knows what and he would barely ever be at home. When he did actually get to see the boy, Izuku wouldn't even bat an eye in Yamamoto's direction. Well, that was until he smacked the boy's butt. After the interaction, Izuku would glare at him with cold, skeptical eyes. He loathed the child. All he wanted was to see Izuku crying in a puddle of his own blood.

That is why he decided to stick around. He needed to kill the boy. He wanted to see the life drain out of his tearful, green eyes. He wanted to make Izuku suffer. But first, he had to come up with a way to kill Izuku while showing the greenette just how painful this cruel world can be. And what better way than to involve his mother in his death?

Now he couldn't just go up to Inko and ask for her to help by killing her only child. Yeah, Yamamoto can just imagine how well that would play out; 'Hey, Inko, I was wondering if you could help me kill your son?' 'Oh, sorry Sota, but I'm kind of busy right now. Maybe later.' Ah yes, that is what would happen for sure. But speaking honestly, Yamamoto really didn't feel up to being stuck in jail anytime soon . . . or anytime ever, really.

Yamamoto had no clue how he was supposed to get Inko to help him murder Izuku. He realized that he just had to convince Inko that Izuku was dangerous . . . . no, even better, he should get Inko to believe that Izuku was the one trying to kill her. The only issue though, is that Inko would definitely believe Izuku before she ever believed Yamamoto. So, Yamamoto decided to turn to the only thing that could possibly help in this plan . . . drugs. More specifically, LSD. A good drug to give someone hallucinations.

Slipping the LSD into INko's food was simple. She is always tired from having to work at the graveyard at the local hospital, so she will gratefully accept any meals without hesitation. The LSD seemed to kick in quickly too—so by the end of the week, Inko was completely on edge. Now all he had to do was convince her that Izuku is a cold blooded murderer that is planning her demise.

He started by coming up with simple lies. Like; how he saw Izuku in the kitchen taking a knife or that he found some blood in the hallway. Inko didn't think much of it. In fact, she couldn't really think right in the first place, so she just went on with her life as normal as possible. But he took it up a notch and told Inko that he saw Izuku standing outside of the door with a knife, just watching her sleep. Yamamoto even took it to the point where he took one of Izuku's notebooks and wrote in Izuku's point of view that he was trying to kill Inko.

That was when she started to freak out. Of course, if Inko was in a more sober state, she would have noticed that the writing was much sloppier than her son's. But drugs can really screw people up. The green haired mother's instinct told her to call the police but she didn't get the chance because Yamamoto told her that idea was stupid.

"The authorities wouldn't believe that, and if anything, Izuku would just get mad at you and try to kill you sooner!" Yamamoto raised his voice.

"Then wha- then what do I do?!" Inko started to sob. She was scared to death of her own son.

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