Pyschopathic tendencies are ethical only for murder

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Technically it was the day of the Sports Festival. Three o'clock in the morning definitely meant that it was the next day. It also meant prime time to summon Fred the friendly demon, but Izuku was busy doing . . . other things.

He stood in front of the mirror, an eyepatch over his scarred eye and a corset around his waist. He was dressed as a cleaner version of Jack Sparrow and held a jar in his hand.

"I've got a jar of dirt~! I've got a jar of dirt~!" He sang. He stopped after a few seconds and stared at the jar. "Have I tried burying myself alive?"

Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one who was an insomniac. A light knock sounded off of his door. Izuku sighed, turning around and putting his jar of dirt on a passing stand.

He cracked the door open with an eyebrow raised at the visitor. "If you're not Will or Davy Jones, I ask for a duel to my death."

Kaminari stared back at Izuku with his face mirroring pikachu's. Izuku allowed the uncomfortable staring contest to go on until Kaminari found it in himself to speak. He cleared his throat, "Uh, hi . . . Izuku."

Izuku nodded, "Because I think you're cute, you'll get a pass."

Kaminari flushed and an embarrassed smile crossed his face, "Um, well, I—uh . . ."

Izuku decided to take pity on the broken recorder and opened his door wider. You know how Izuku said it was cleaner? Yeah, he meant he wasn't full of dirt. He was still a sexy pirate.

Kaminari's eyes widened as he took in the half buttoned shirt that lightly covered Izuku's skin. Of course he had a full fit on ranging from the hat, to the coat, down to the tight-ish pants and high boots. As soon as Kaminari noticed the rest of it—his face flamed and electrical sparks were released from him.

"So what can I help you with?" Izuku dutifully ignored the fact that Kaminari would likely unintentionally shoot him with electricity if he teased him anymore. After all, he doesn't think he's tried to die by electricity before . . .

Kaminari cleared his throat, willing his blush away. "So the Sports Festival is tomorrow . . ."

"That is true."

"And," Kaminari looked up, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "I have a perfect plan to prank the class."

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"


The shrieks began even before the school bell rang. It was terrible, haunting the halls of UA and ingrained into the minds of all those who made their way past class 1-A.

And then there was the laugh.

The sexy laugh that wasn't supposed to be sexy because it came from a terrible villain. Then there was another laugh—not as sexy but the wheezing added to the horror effect.

Izuku raised the gun in his hand, his eyes narrowed at the three students in the doorway. His glare pierced through them from his perch on Aizawa's desk. "I dare you to say that again."

Bakugo, Sero and Mina halted at the doorway. Mina swallowed harshly, locking in a nervous gaze with Sero. Bakugo's lip curled, "Hah?"

"Go ahead, Mina. I'm waiting," Izuku threateningly pressed his fingers against the trigger.

"N-No, you've got it all wrong Izuku . . ." Mina put up her hands and shook her head, her golden and black eyes wide. "I—I didn't mean it."

Izuku chuckled, swiping a hand through his unruly hair and brining the trio's attention to his odd attire. For information, he was still wearing the clean pirate look—only his eyepatch was discarded so the scar was on full display.

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