Its Your Fairy Godmother!

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Izuku swung his legs, sipping on the caprisun he found. Well, it was passed along the student section of the crowd and was given to him.

And no, it wasn't grape. That would give him nightmares. It was Pacific Cooler (which had grapes, but as the best flavor, he couldn't exactly complain).

Midnight stood next to him on the stage, her dominatrix whip out by her side as she did a power stance. Izuku rated it 10/10, very sexy.

"So, who do you think will win?" Midnight casually dropped the question.

'Why don't I just drop on a knee . . . LMFAO JUST KIDDING.' Did Izuku really say "lmfao"? Yes, yes he did. Does he feel bad about it? No, not really. Was it really a joke? . . . Maybe.

"Hard to tell. We have Scooby Snacks and Pokeball Swirl facing off. Depending on the team chemistry and how they're leading it, the win could go either way," Izuku mused. "Personally, I'm rooting for Doomsday Daddy Squad."

"Perhaps there is a dark horse?" Midnight suggested as she watched the rest of the students scramble for the last five minutes to find a team.

"Hmm," Izuku tapped his chin and then pointed at an odd group. "Support student Hatsume Mei and her squad are rather viable contenders in this downgraded version of Gladiator fights."

Midnight looked over at the mismatched group. Uraraka, Hatsume, Tokoyami and . . . Hitoshi. That's right, our lavender boy somehow got pulled into the dog fight.

Izuku cackled at how uncomfortable he looked around the two bubbly girls. Tokoyami on the other hand looked relieved at a fellow anti-socialist. It was an interesting combo, with the happy floaters and edge lords coming together to form a team.

'Well this should be interesting.' Izuku looked around with his lips pulled up in an amused smile. Todoroki and Bakugo's teams seemed to be intricately balanced. Well, Todoroki's was well balanced while Bakugo's just seemed like a powerhouse.

"HEY BAKUGO! TEAM UP WITH ME!" Kirishima shouted through all of Bakugo's fans.

Bakugo looked at him dumbly, "Ah, Hair for Brains."

"It's Kirishima! Not manly bro," Red sour patch kid shook his head before moving to stand in front of the sandlot iPad dog. "Remember it next time, damn it! Anyways, wanna play rider? With my hardening and your explosions, we can keep your ten million points safe!"

A little sparky connection happened between the two and Izuku could already see the bro bond having a real root now. 'Aww, the dog found an owner. Boo.' Yes, Izuku is pouting. The reason being his most (un)favorite (rabid) dog found someone new to play with.

'At least its Red Rover Man.' Izuku decided that being sad about it was stupid and looked for some light in the situation . . . by looking directly into the sun so he didn't have to see those two spreading platonic PDA with his remaining good eye.

Unfortunately his plan was stopped when Midnight whacked the back of his head with her hand and cut off his sight in mid burn.

"Ow! What was that for?" He whined, rubbing the back of his head to soothe the sting.

"Don't be a dumbass." She scowled and retracted her outstretched hand.

"That's like telling a fish not to swim," the greenette pointed out. "And when fish can't swim, they die. Fortunately for you, I'm seemingly immortal. However, I still can commit beautiful suicide whenever I want and hope the method is permanent."

If there was one thing Izuku was good at. It was giving someone a light at the end of the tunnel, and then coming from behind a corner and going, "Ha! Gotcha sucker!" And extinguishing the light before running off with the candlestick it came from.

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