Oh Joy~

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About three minutes after Izuku's body hit the ground, he shot up in pain. His body ached and blood was dripping from his hair into his eyes.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!" That was the first time Izuku has ever cursed. And as soon as he finished the sentence, his body lurched forward and into a sequence of spasms. It took—what felt like forever—before the greenette's body fell still, with only his chest falling up and down heavily. His muscles were cramped up and sore, making it painful when he finally moved to a sitting position. But once he sat up, he regretted the movement because everything he had eaten came back up—splattering against the wall with a repulsive splashing noise.

Izuku sighed and fell down onto his back, staring up at the orange sky. His mind—despite everything that just happened—was empty. He didn't know what to think. All he knew was that he was supposed to be dead. Is this some sort of cruel joke the universe is playing on him?

Like, 'Hey, Izuku, you should die. Here is a nice building to jump off of! Hahaha jk, jk. You somehow survived from falling off a five story building because we like to watch your mortal suffering!!!' Yup, that is definitely what's happening.

"Well guess what you stupid universe?! I'll just jump again! There is no way someone could survive that fall twice!!" Did Izuku yell this out loud? Yes. Does he look like a complete psychopath? Yes. Is he now struggling to climb up the fire escape of the building he just jumped off to do it again? . . . Yes.

So here he is, standing on the ledge of the building, looking over the side at the red blood stain from his previous fall. But this time, he couldn't help but hesitate. How does he do this again? Like, does he just jump? Izuku wasn't scared of death. No, he was scared of falling. The vivid memory of waking up in pain is all he can think about. He didn't want that again. But that won't happen again . . . right?

Izuku's breath started to get shallower as fear started to take hold. 'Just jump. If I jump, I die. No more pain, no more loneliness . . . just freedom.' And with that thought, he let himself fall yet again. Taking in the cool breeze and the smell of blood; 'Finally' was the last thought he had before yet again hitting the ground.

After about two minutes, the greenette—who is now covered in blood—shot up. "Ohhhhhh my goshhhh!" He screamed at the sky before his body began shaking violently.

After repeating the misery of coming back to life, he began gagging to get anything out of his stomach. He sat with his forehead against the wall of the building he had just fallen from, gagging up bile and blood. Once his body (at last) gave up on getting him to vomit and finally let him breath, Izuky just sat against the wall—contemplating life and why he still had it. He then got up, stumbling in pain and made his way back to the top of the roof.

Izuku doesn't care how many times he has to jump off this wretched building, he will die. The effort to get up the fire escape was much harder than the previous time. But at last—after tripping several times—he made it to the top of the five story building.

Izuku trudged across the building and once again, with shaky legs, Izuku looked down at the puddle of blood that marked where he had previously fallen. Then it hit him. Blood . . . Was he bleeding? Sure, he felt awful, but he didn't feel any open wounds. 'What sort of sorcery is this?! Maybe this is all just a nightmare. No, it hurts too much for that to be true.'

He sighed and went to sit down in the middle of the roof. Izuku really didn't feel like doing that for a third time. The greenette laid down and watched as the now vibrant pink sky was fading into purple. Izuku thought of everything that happened today; with Bakugo blowing up and throwing his notebook out the window—then a sludge villain tried to take control of his body, and of course, there was All Might (who had pointed out the obvious fact that he can't be a hero). Oh, and we can't forget that he had jumped off a five story building twice and is still alive.

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