Gladiator Type of Beat

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"And the winner is Bakugo Katsuki of Class 1-A! With Todoroki Shoto right behind him! Or should I say on him?" Present Mic announced gleefully.

Izuku watched with great amusement as Bakugo tried to pry off Todoroki to no avail. The dual quirked boy had quite literally iced himself into the dog's legs. The blonde dragged himself off to the side with steam coming out of his ears as he spat a bunch of curses at the leg koala.

Izuku, being an empath, sensed that Bakugo was angry and decided to go and create more trouble. So he sashayed his fabulous self off the stage to go annoy—help the bristled blonde. Well, technically, to save the handsome face attached to his leg.

Anyways, Bakugo saw him skipping towards him and scowled. "What do you want?"

"To die," Izuku answered immediately. He soon stopped in front of the blonde and thought about it more while said blonde was looking at him weirdly. "Or get laid by a rich person. It doesn't matter who as long as it's not Endawhore."

"Enda what?" Bakugo replied back smartly.

The totally mentally healthy greenette just smiled cheerfully before moving closer. Bakugo took a step back with his good leg but Izuku ignored that and focused on the napping teen on Bakugo's other leg. He looked peaceful actually, and Izuku wondered if it was a secret quirk of his to sleep so easily.

"Time to pry off my future husband~" Izuku hummed.

"Your future WHAT?!"

Izuku ignored all the unimportant background noise and pulled out a lighter from the same place he brought a hairspray can.

"Oh hell no," Bakugo put his hands up defensively. "There is no fucking way your lighting me up with a damn home made flamethrower."

"Don't worry," Izuku cooed. "It'll only sting for about three seconds. First degrees heal just fine."

As soon as Izuku experimentally blew the fabulous flamethrower, the red eyed boy struggled to take another step back. Izuku's face spilt into a wide grin, "Oh c'mon, Kacchan. I'm sure you're used to the heat. A little flamethrower like this is nothing~!"

"Don't you put that fUCKING THING NEAR ME DEKU!" His voice went from threatening to a high pitched yell that had Izuku's grin widening.

"Oh don't be a baby . . ." The freckled boy crooned, getting closer and closer with the weapon of mass destruction.

"What is going on?" A sleepy, sexy voice called out.

Izuku, who looked like a pervert about to harass a poor maiden, blinked down at the heterochromatic teen in surprise. He moved away from the helpless maiden—err, Bakugo, like the scene before was just a part of Todoroki's imagination.

"You're up?" Izuku gave a sweet smile and suddenly the items in his hand were gone.

Todoroki went to rub the sleep out of his eyes when he noticed where he was. He looked up, meeting furious red eyes. "Oh. We made it?"

"Yes, now get off!" Bakugo growled. Todoroki lazily complied, melting the ice around the Pomeranian's leg and falling to the ground like a leaf from a tree—very lightly and very uncaringly.

Bakugo jumped away from the two teens like they carried a disease (which Izuku might, but he wouldn't share it with him anyways). Todoroki sat up and Izuku crouched next to him. "Did you ruin any part of you? Is your face good?"

Todoroki shook his head, ". . . No."

Izuku let out a dramatic sigh of relief and let himself fall on his butt. "Good good. Can't have my number one stripper ruin himself."

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